5 Tech Tools a Startup Must Use

Every startup needs to make use of technological tools at their disposal; if they don’t, it will be much harder to manage and stay competitive; the costs will go much higher than originally anticipated and it will end up hurting the ambitions of an entrepreneur. If a startup wishes to grow, it needs to make use of all the resources available.

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Tech Tools a Startup Must Use

Top 5 Tech Tools a Startup Must Use

1. Microsoft Excel

This tool is among the most basic ones and is popular for any startup or company that hasn’t shifted to a much bigger budget or transactions. It is used by a number of startups to maintain records of transactions, orders, or any data that the company might need in the beginning stages. It is used by bigger companies as well for its use-of-use, accessibility, and simplicity. I suggest the software to any startup for its easy technical know-how. Every company needs to maintain a record of data to figure-out how well they are doing and to apply statistical tools to see if they are on the right path. Though there is expensive software available now to maintain data, it is still used in major companies like LinkedIn to maintain data and information.

2. Slack

It is a great tool for internal communication between the employees and management hierarchy of a company. It allows you to create different boards of conversations for different teams depending on the projects and the need of the hour. You can search for any information that passed through previously and if you need to look for it, it makes a great tool because there is no loss of information. It also allows for integration of different tools such as Asana for project management and that makes it tremendously useful for a range of departments; finance department can plug in a tool pertaining to only their use and Human Resources department can incorporate a tool according to their functions. For example, BestOnlineAssignmentHelp uses it to maintain conversations between the sales and operations department, sales and finance department, and human resources department with every employee.

3. Evernote

This one is really popular tool used by students, companies, and anyone looking for one-stop shop for storing every sort of data. Evernote keeps regular backups to make sure there is no loss of data. It is a great way to keep track of data and store any idea, bits of information, images, web pages, and any number of notes you have to write down. It is one of the most popular apps on Google Play and is one of the best software recommended to any startup.

4. Tawk

Every startup wishes to maintain a solid base of customers and a way to interact with them. Tawk is a free application that allows the company to chat with their website visitors. It gives the maximum features that any paid chat service will provide and it does so free-of-cost. I advise the use of this to any startup looking to focus on customer relationship management as being attentive to your customers is the fastest way to grow as a company.

5. Google Analytics

Used heavily by entrepreneurs and digital marketers all over the world to gain knowledge of the customers and visitors. It helps to keep track of the campaigns one is running and to make sure they will be successful. You can figure out which content your user likes the most and the time they spend on webpages. That data can be used to understand your customer’s behavior and what is it that he/she really wants; that is the most important part, understanding your customer’s demands and building on that.

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