Allow your website to have a natural growth. SEO is commonly grown to see your site acquire a ranking on search engines. Forcing your website to improve is like feeding it with the Genetically Modified Foods. Yes, it will grow and die soon after. The “forcing” of growth may lead to bad SEO. Let the indexing of your web be natural, through organic traffic. The rank tracker is one of the tools you can regularly use to track how the performance of your site, and determine areas you need to alter to feature at the top at all times.
When you talk about Good SEO and A Bad SEO they have similar definitions. One is malpractice except for a few other differences that are developing discussions in the paragraphs below. What are the dos and don’ts of SEO?
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Good SEO and Bad SEO
1. Keyword Stuffing
The keyword is a vital element that give a website a top ranking in Google and other dominant search engines. A good SEO keyword comes naturally in the content. You place one in the introduction, on the body of the article, somewhere in the conclusion-An exceptional flow of the keyword. When you use the keywords naturally, they are hardly noticed as keywords but as part of the content.
On the hand, a bad SEO is placed all over the article. As a website owner, you are risking your site in many ways.
- Distorting the flow. When the keyword keeps popping the reader gets bored. It unnecessary causes repetition.
- Kills the content. Concentration is on the keyword; therefore, the space of the content is taken over by the stuffed keywords.
- Makes the content unattractive.
2. Content Repeat
At times the site owners make a fool out of themselves. Try to listen to yourself here. Google ranks your site for the content you dispose to the world- original and informative article. If what you have already existed, why should they-Google rank your website? There will be no value your content will add.
Stay woke, duplication of content will cost your site’s ranking not only on Google but also other search engines like Yahoo and Bing. To avoid non-original material, invest in research.
3. A Sluggish Website
A slow website will amount to a lousy SEO at the end of the day. As a site owner, have you tried to use your web? How fast is it? If it takes more than 3 seconds, you are pacing your way to a danger zone. Your web ranking will suffer poor ranking.
Get yourself the right tool-web speed insight to jumpstart your site. Fast-downloading websites experience higher traffic –Good SEO.
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4. Guest Posting
Optimize your site through outsourcing quality content. You can do this to attain a good SEO. How will scout for a good guest post? Very easy. Keep in mind the following before outsourcing.
The content quality of work. The writer should have his/her blog with quality articles. Most writers have beautiful blogs that they wish to expose to the market.
Guest posting is a double-edged sword. The guest poster will gain SEO mileage on his/her site because of the contacts and blog links he/she will leave on your site. The owner of the site will gain by getting quality content for the site-this could be you. A win-win situation that will amount to a ranking.
On the contrary, the guest posts come with do follow links that will result in ‘spammy’ messages that are a great undoing. They-‘spammy’ links will affect your ranking on Google. It is recommended that, you do away with guest posts lest you know the author very well. Do not bridge the terms of Google’s Webmaster.
5. Varied Pages For Keywords
In 2018, the most advanced age of the 21st century, don’t try this habit. Site owners create many pages for different keywords to increase the chances of ranking. E.g., Photo editing, Editing a photo, Editing photos. Kindly, create one page and use all these keywords creatively without stuffing them. Keep of this unhealthy practice.
6. Overlooking Tracking Tools Alerts
Overlooking or postponing sorting out the alerts you get from the tracking tools like Google Console and backlink can result to bad SEO. Anytime you get the redirects, error 404, slow page loading, and a broken link among others, take it seriously and act.
7. Misguided Ideas-Focus On Ranking
You have every right to have a top ranking at Google. But you need to remember that Google ranking is not a political party that awards positions to trusted friends. It does this on merit. The search is done based on very many qualifying techniques.
Putting all your energy on the ranking will lead to losing the focus. By being a website owner/writer, you are an educator. Advocacy is your main agenda; to disseminate quality content-based information to the world.
Google ranking is more of an award, do your part and Google will do its own. Writing for ranking is a bad SEO and will tempt you into malpractices the same Google is fighting.
8. Not Using SEO Tools
A business world is a fierce battleground full of innovations. The online commerce is worse. Up your game every morning to fight for your space in the Good SEO side. It can happen if you opt to use the right tools to take you to the crest of business.
The SEO tools will keep you off from bad SEO and poor ranking in the long-run. Purchase the monitoring tools that will keep your site in good health, get a keyword tool to prevent stuffing and creating so many pages on your site. Track your ranking every day to know the areas that need more effort. Lastly, keep to the right lane of Google Webmaster.
A bad SEO is the undoing of the good one. Growing your site using bad SEO methods short-lived glory and will cost your ranking on Google. Work for organic growth of your website. Buy SEO tools that will help you optimize content, repair broken links and get the top ranking keywords for your articles. Get information from the authority sites and learn how they work.
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