The way information is disseminated and communicated today has completely transformed and e-learning is one of the best examples which demonstrates the same. There are numerous courses created each day however not each one attracts the likes of its learners. So, to help make your content stand out and ensure that it grabs innumerable eyeballs and levels the playing field for other course providers, we shall arm you with solutions for elearning content needs.
Simultaneously, it must also be noted that elearning courses must be tailored to suit the requirements of its users in the first place, hence the need for custom elearning content providers comes into play. So, get started today with the creation of your e-learning course content but make sure to avoid these 7 mistakes mentioned below.
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1. Creating content which is not challenging enough
The first and foremost thing to be kept in mind while commencing with the creation of online course material is that the content should be challenging enough to arise curiosity amongst its learners. Not every little thing needs to be mentioned thereby providing learners enough space and flexibility to research it for themselves. This will leave learners quite satisfied upon successful course completion while providing them a great learning experience at the same time.
2. Reading level made too hard
The second thing which tends to be ignored by course creators is the reading level which sometimes gets too hard for learners. Undoubtedly, they aim high and make sure to give their best shot but with that mindset, content gets too hard to read. So, the idea is to take care that the course content matches its title and objective. After all, you don’t want to scare your beginners with PhD level content!
3. No means to test the learner’s knowledge
It’s always good to gauge where your learners are since they do not follow or rather learn everything mentioned in your course just by reading or going through it. Hence, it is always advisable to make sure that they’re on the same page as you and the best way to do that is by administering various assessment tests every now and then or place them at the end of each module. This not only gives them a fair idea of where they stand in terms of their knowledge with the respective material but also makes the course more engaging and interesting.
4. Lack of engaging media
Since it is rightly said, “ A human mind processes images 65,000 times faster than written content”, always make sure that your elearning course content is not too simple or plain for its users to lose interest within a couple of hours after starting with it. And, one of the best ways to undivided user attention is via incorporating engaging media like videos, images, infographics, audio clips, music files, and others alike. This not only gives them a break from written content but also stimulates students who are adept at audio-visual learning. On the other hand, also make sure to experiment with different forms of media and do not stick to just one type as it shall again be monotonous for learners.
5. Not citing statistical data sources
Solutions for elearning content needs also involve using statistics as it is a powerful way to back up all your theories and ideas. However, if sources for these statistics aren’t cited or are cited with sources that aren’t credible, numbers lose their power. Hence, it is highly recommended to use statistics which back you up instead of refuting your credibility.
6. Unneeded emerging tangents
Creating elearning content seems to be a cakewalk to almost everyone today. Hence, content creators don’t take the course too seriously and some might even use it as a platform to express their humour, religious, or political views. Stick to the main content and objective as much as possible and do not include any irrelevant content amid.
7. Not proofreading the course material
This is one of the main reasons for losing learners’ interest in any e-learning course material as nothing ruins a course’s credibility than no proofreading with the content being inclusive of grammar mistakes. If users are able to spot your grammatical errors they automatically lose trust in the rest of your content. Hence, it is advisable to ensure that your spellings and punctuations are on point. Moreover, make it a point to not unnecessarily overuse bold, italics, or capitalization.
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