Best Software Programs That Every Home-Based Business Needs For Success

So you’re thinking about running your own home-based business… that’s a very smart idea! Home-based businesses are becoming more and more popular every day! Maybe you have a great product that you want to share with the world or maybe you just don’t have the finances to have a physical store location, but regardless of the situation you’re in to choose to run a home-based business, you made the right decision and you’re definitely putting yourself in a position to make big profits.

Now, in running a home-based business there are certain things like proper office furniture and supplies that you need to make your home office a more productive work environment, especially as a freelancer or home-based entrepreneur but it’s the software you use to run your business that makes your business more professional and credible. When you’re running an office, you should ensure that every computer is up to date with all the new updates and features. On you can find cheat sheets that have summaries of how to run these programs. It’s a very efficient way to help make everyone more independent during the day, and a great way of saving time.

As a home-based entrepreneur starting a new business, credibility is everything… it essentially is what’s going to make or break your business, so you want to make a good impression from the start.

Whether it’s hiring at-home childcare services to watch your children while you work to be free from distractions or designing your website to be more appealing to customers, you need to do everything you can to have your business shown in the best light possible. One of the most underrated ways to do that is based on the software you use for your business.

Best Software Programs That Every Home-Based Business Needs For Success

Now, in order for your business to benefit the most from software programs, it’s important to determine what your software needs are… this will prevent you from spending unnecessary money on software you don’t even need. Take a look at the different software programs every business must have to achieve success.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is probably the most common and most popular software program that businesses use because it’s packed with tons of productivity software. In Microsoft Office, you will find applications like:

  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook
  • Publisher

Those are just a few of the more commonly used applications but there are more than your business can benefit from. The reason why so many businesses utilize Microsoft Office is that it can be used in any type of business, regardless of the industry and whether it’s a home-based business or not… it’s just an all-around good software program your business can greatly benefit from.

RecommendedHow Project Managers Can Get The Most Out of Microsoft Project?


WorkTime is a time and project management software program that ideal for helping you keep track of time, pretty much in all facets. It helps you track how much time you spend on various projects, which will then let you know if it’s taking you too long on a project or if you’re making good time on it. All in all, it’s simply a great program that helps you manage your time in a more efficient manner.

According to, managing your time effectively is completely in your hands in all facets of life but especially in your business. It states that you’re more likely going to be able to make up any lost money but there’s no way to regain an hour wasted. Software programs like WorkTime will help you to maximize your time in the most beneficial way possible.

This program allows you to print stamps right from your computer, keeping you from having to go to the post office every time you need to ship packages. Some people might think that this isn’t a major software program that ALL businesses must have but if you’ve ever waited in line at the post office before, you completely understand how great this program is!


QuickBooks is the top software program for accounting. Most businesses use this program to create invoices, filing customer records, and to help you better keep track of the inventory you have. In addition to that, you also have the ability to manage all the finances of your business.


This is the program you need to properly manage your inventory. It also has functions to help you keep track of customer sales and credit card point of sales. If you’ve never run a business before, keeping track of all these things is not something you just jot down in a spiral notebook… you need this program to have real-time knowledge of your business’ progress.

Take Your Business Seriously

If you want people to take your business seriously, you have to do the same thing. You need to make your work environment professional and invest in the right software programs to set your business up for success.