What Do I Need to Work From Home as a Freelancer?

The number of freelance workers is on the rise in the UK and it is easy to see why. Many of these freelancers are working from the comfort of their own home which can bring many perks, but in order to succeed, an individual will need to create the right working environment at home that enables them to be as productive as they would in a typical office. So, what do you need in order to set up a home office as a freelancer?

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Suitable Space

Perhaps most important is having a suitable space at home so that you can comfortably work throughout the day. Ideally, this will be away from distraction and busy areas of the house so a separate room in a quiet area is the best option.


Leading on from this, you will also need high-quality office furniture that allows you to comfortably carry out your role each day. This is likely to include a large desk, an office chair and storage space.


The area where you work should have plenty of natural light coming through but you should also invest in adequate artificial lighting if you are ever working when it is dark outside. Natural light has a huge impact on mood and productivity so find ways to maximise this, such as the use of mirrors.

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IT Equipment

The exact IT equipment that you need will depend on the work that you are doing but it is likely that you will need a few different items. A high-quality laptop/PC and a fast internet connection will be the bare minimum and you will also need a range of internet wires and cable connections to get fully connected – places like RS are a good place to find everything that you need to get set up at home.


You will also need a range of office supplies to allow you to work throughout the day and it will be down to you to keep on top of these which can be a challenge. This could include having pens, notepads, paperclips, post-it notes, blue tack and other items that you find in most offices.


Although this is a space primarily for working, it is still important that it is a space where you have carefully considered the design and decoration. It should be an at-tractive yet functional space so that you feel comfortable and happy spending large portions of the day here. You can do this through the use of artwork, personal photos, plant life and other decorative items.

More and more people are switching to freelance work and it is easy to see why as it bring such flexibility. Many of these people are working from home which brings many advantages but it is essential that you create a working environment that is free from distraction and allows you to carry out your role each day.

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