Ways Businesses Can Effectively Manage Remote Work and Business Continuity

The ongoing COVID-19 plight the world is experiencing can be felt far and wide, even to regions where it didn’t affect directly. Businesses are just one of the major entities that are taking the brunt of the pandemic. Businesses are advised to continue reviewing their readiness guidelines and business continuity planning.

Many businesses are already taking preventative actions and mandating employees to work from home – even big companies like Google and Twitter are doing the same. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways you can apply in your business to effectively manage remote work and business continuity.

Ways Businesses Can Effectively Manage Remote Work and Business Continuity

From office-only to remote work

Any business continuity plan starts with a businesses’ capability of allowing some I not all of its staff to work remotely. Your hosting provider should work around the clock to help with remote working requirements. If you’re still hooked to a physical server or on the lookout for a hosting provider, consider VPS hosting via reliable providers to ensure that you’re getting the right service at the right cost.

The effect of COVID-19 in the workforce could result in individuals, departments or even the entire office being unable to travel to, or occupy their workstations. Businesses simply cannot continue operating this way, so the core business operations must continue to function within a remote working environment to provide a business-as-usual service.

What a boon that we live in the digital age! Many office workers use either a desktop or laptop computer, with the latter being easier to transfer home to continue working. Working from home will most likely require a VPN connection, so make sure that one is set in place. See if your phone system is available over the connection and ensure that even your non-technical personnel can configure their systems to connect.

Of course, your employees require a computer, an internet connection, and a VPN client. Users can then remotely connect and access business applications as if they were sitting in the office.

Business continuity despite COVID-19

This is in line with remove working. Different core business continuity elements can work despite catastrophic events that include pandemic cases. As a precaution, businesses and secure remote access for work-from-home situations. Ensure that the technology works, everyone knows their access credentials, and VPN accounts are working without glitches.

Consider employees who will require access to data or onsite file shares. File shares us easily migrated to the cloud, with defined access permissions. Ensure data integrity, data protection, and data security are upheld for the entire process. Your VPS HOSTING provider can advise on the best practices to follow to protect your data.

Assess personnel that will require access – those that your business needs to keep functioning. Appoint a Business Continuity specialist, or select a staff who can coordinate pandemic readiness activities. Update your employees on the latest news regarding COVID-19 in calm, practical advice cascaded from senior management.

Communication is the key to both of these. Ensure that all your employees are ready for when disaster strikes. If you have a good process in place – then congratulations! If not, now is the best time to get help with business continuity planning. Get in touch with trusted providers like Vodien if you’re interested in acquiring VPS hosting to support remote workers and other efforts.

Lastly, we’re in uncharted waters with the Coronavirus, so picking the right service provider can be a literal lifesaver for your business. Best of luck and stay safe!