Simple Guidelines to Maintain Top SERP Ranking

Latest developments in the digital market have seen most of the traditional marketing methods which once yielded success being thrown to the wind, as new approach in the marketing system gain popularity. Today, consumers are more ready and available to consume digital content than to watch ads on TVs or printed media. Modern consumers prefer to look for solutions to what they need from the internet, while a significant portion find it easier to purchase products from online store than from physical stores. Mobile technology and the internet have made the world that seemed too big become a small village, where people can interact and transact freely without geographical limitations.

The evolvement of the mobile industry does not seem to stop there. This trend is expected to continue for quite some years. As a result, the marketing field has been levelled giving affordable marketing opportunities such as SEO marketing to both small businesses with constrained or no marketing budget and large companies with unlimited budgets. All the same, though not as expensive as traditional methods, SEO requires a lot of time and expertise to deliver the desired results for any business. There are however many tools search as SERP rankings checker, Google analytics, Ad Words and many others that experts and website owners use to implement effective SEO. This post takes a look at how to maintain high SERP SEO ranking for your website.

Simple Guidelines to Maintain Top SERP Ranking

What is SERP Ranking?

SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) refers to web pages that are returned to the internet users when they search for a phrase through the search engines such as Yahoo, Bing, Google to name but just a few. The search engine tailor every SERP based on many factors such as browser history, geographical location, the specific searched keyword and social settings among others. To your business, SERP acts as an advertisement and could be the first and only opportunity for the consumer searching for products offered by your business. SERP ranking therefore refers to the position a particular site appears on the result page based on a specific keyword. Digital marketers and SEO agencies focus on ranking the highest on the SERP, as this is their great opportunity offered to sell clicks to their websites which could lead to sales.

There are various techniques and tools used by marketers to raise their SEO rankings to ensure that their potential customers can find them at the top of the first search result page. In a single search, the result page may contain up to millions of suggestions depending on the keywords searched, so competition to rank higher is always very stiff. The search engines use several rules and criteria to rank websites on the result page for a specific keyword search. Some of the primary techniques used to improve SERP rankings include:

  • Quality Content – Your website content need to be highly relevant to the consumer needs, BE original and informative. It should contain balanced keyword density and quantity. This calls for a thorough keyword research and analysis using tools such as Google Ad words and many others. Your content should also be published regularly and easily digestible.
  • Well Optimized Websites – This involves structuring your content with meaningful heading and in SEO-friendly manner. Different pages should be set to rank for particular keywords. Use of long-tail keywords is also an important aspect of optimization.
  • Use Of Accurate Titles And Descriptions – This ensures that the content on all your WebPages is relevant and educative. Pay close attention to the content published on the homepage. Also make sure it is easy for users to interact with your content.
  • On-Going SERP Ranking Monitoring – You can use free SERP rank checker to check your ranking position for given keywords. This helps you to examine how effective or ineffective your SEO campaigns are so that you can change what is not working to obtain better results.

How Does SERP Ranking Checker Work?

SERP checker monitors your keyword ranking across different search engines and in different countries globally. It also examines rankings across devices and other online platforms such as maps. Additionally, it analyses the top competitors with the similar target keywords as yours. The reports generated by the checker are used to determine keyword difficulty and to give the marketing team insights on how to improve keyword ranking.

Remember, SERP rank monitoring and analysis should be continuous as search engine rules can be very dynamic and also owing to the fact that competition is very high.

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