How to Resolve IP Address conflict?

IP address conflict generally occurs when two computers on the same network are assigned the same IP address. Due to this, both computers end up not being able to connect to the internet. Most common error messages which you will see are- “There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network” “This … Read more

How Can Outsourcing IT Tasks Really Save a Money for a Business?

How Can Outsourcing IT Tasks Really Save a Money for a Business

Business decision makers have to consider all expenditures in order to determine worthwhile expenses. Adjusting the way that business is done can dramatically improve the budget of your organization. This is perhaps especially true when it comes to IT services. Although you will probably always need a team on hand to handle network architecture and … Read more

iPhone/iPad Not Charging: How to Fix the Issue

iPhone iPad Not Charging

iPhone/iPad Not Charging Having an Apple product gives us a sense of luxury and satisfaction. But even the best of the premium electronic products can have some issues. One of the common issues is your iPhone/iPad not charging when you connect your iPhone or iPad to the charger. That makes you little uncomfortable and you … Read more

WhatsApp’s update of Siri for iPhone

WhatsApp releases new updates for the iPhone, with the ability to have Siri to read out our last messages. The new WhatsApp update (v2.17.2) is now available via the App store for the iOS platform. The contemporary version of the WhatsApp is about the size of 89MB with four new feature updates. We can ask … Read more

Is Google OnHub the Solution to Sluggish Wi-Fi?

Google OnHub Router Sluggish Wi-Fi can be cause by a lot of factors like the area, coverage, signal and such. If you’re suffering under a Wi-Fi with turtle-like speeds, you can try out numerous solutions and one of them would be to replace your router with an even better one. We have a great suggestion … Read more Web Hosting Review – Best Web Hosting Provider Web Hosting Review Online platform is growing day by day with the availability of the technology. If you want to start your business or share your blog or want to make a new website then definitely you will need a web host service platform. In market, many numbers of companies are available as per … Read more Review- The Best Mail Forwarding Service

MyUKmailbox Review MyUKmailbox is a mail forwarding service which is offered for people all over the world, in multiple countries. It ensures that your package is safely received from the sender. Next, it passes the package on to the end user, that is, you. This helps people buy goods online or locally and send it … Read more

How to DDoS an IP and Crash a Website (3 Working Methods)

How To DDos An IP Or Website? Hacking is the most lucrative and profitable market in the world. It is done for various reasons. Few do it for fun; others do it professionally to gain something. Whatever is the reason, it is very unethical and the knowledge required for hacking varies from website to website. … Read more

Why You Need PDF for Personal or Business Use?

While technology is evolving by leaps and bounds each day, there are certain instances when people prefer the older route. Take for instance, creating documents. At one point or another, you are going to require a word processing software, spreadsheet software, or presentation software. Now, most people tend to continue to use what they are … Read more

How to Fix Waiting for Activation iMessage Error on iPhone – [SOLVED]

Waiting for Activation iMessage Smartphones are the most important part of everyone’s lives these days. They have already replaced our cameras, alarm clocks, planners and many more things. With so many phones in the market these days, people have become brand conscious, because of which iPhones have gained popularity among people. But sometime iPhone user … Read more