Have you ever felt the need for the off-site service which could help you to promote your Instagram account fast, cheap and in a worthwhile manner? If yes, Ingramer is your better alternative! Let me explain why.
I have personally used this Instagram automation tool to grow my client Instagram business profile. We have shared Best Instagram Bio Quotes to attract more user.

What is Ingramer?
Ingramer is an automation technology service Instagram account growth and development. It offers cutting edge automation solutions based on the principle of imitation of real human behavior. The artificial intelligence algorithms it implements enables smooth promotion avoiding Instagram block risks.
That’s not just another IG bot which offers instant random followers for your profile. It is much more than that. It possesses several features which provide the high quality of the whole promotion process. It includes both the growth of followers and increase of their engagement (which is discussed a lot.)
So how can it do all that stuff? Keep reading to learn!
But before I start to describe all Ingramer’s functionality, you need to realize that IG bots are tools which automate those activities which could be done manually. It becomes possible due to the unique Targeting settings. Ingramer offers to adjust them by hashtags, names of users, their locations and recently has added the language and gender filters to make your targeting narrower and more precise.
How can it drive account growth?
Whatever people speak about mass-liking and mass-following, these two remain to be the most effective tactics for an accelerated IG account growth. Nothing works on Instagram better than mutuality, that’s why Ingramer introduces the features of automated liking and following.
Auto-liking is the function thanks to which your account likes the account of your TA. Too simple? Yes, simplicity is the soul of genius! Even through liking some posts you attract incredible attention to your profile. Attention means the increased visibility and the growth of numbers of followers.
Ingramer goes a little further introducing the premium version of Auto-likes. With it, you can leave likes for the Feeds and comments of your followers and fix the number of likes Ingramer should leave for each of accs it interacts with. With such an advanced feature you make your chances higher. Besides, such activity won’t evoke any suspicions. Your followers will believe in your interest, IG will assume that you don’t use any third-party tools.
Auto-following is the second function which works in a similar way. Ingramer follows your TA strictly according to your targeting settings.
Some of those accs will follow you, some of them not. If you want to equal the numbers of your Followers and Followings or you want the number of Followings to be less use the function of Auto-unfollow. If you think that it’s useless, you are grossly mistaken. If the amount of your Followings is higher it makes the negative impression on your potential followers, it may become the reason for not following you.
How can it increase the ER?
Just to get a new audience and expect them to be engaged in what you are doing is silly, to be honest. You need to act, act with the help of Ingramer.
Auto-posting. Seems ridiculous? Wrong! Think about it: people follow you as they are interested in the content you publish. Obviously, they want to see that regularly. Every day, at least. For your convenience use scheduled posting feature. If you know at what day of the week and time of the day your audience open Instagram to relax a bit, fix that time, and Ingramer will publish it on time. In results, your audience is satisfied and grateful.
Comments and DMs are extremely essential features to maintain the activity and ER of your audience. Communication is key. Write messages with greetings and some special-for-them offers to your followers, leave pleasant comments. I mean, let Ingramer do that for you. You need to write a couple of samples.
How can it improve your content?
Of course, Ingramer can not take photos for you. It can not write captions neither, oh no, wait a little, Ingramer blog can help you do that. There are a lot of informative articles which will be of some use.
But here I’m talking about hashtag generator. It is an additional tool which helps you to optimize the content. I won’t speak how cool tags are for your promo campaign. You’ve already known that. But you may not know that you should use different tags for each post.
Moreover, they shouldn’t be only popular ones like #instagood, there should be more thematic tags. Ingramer hashtag generator can produce tags by a photo, a URL and a keyword. In results, you get 3 lists of tags: Popular tags, Niche tags, and Non-niche tags. Use a couple of tags from each list to provide the best promotion.
So, mind Ingramer when you make up your strategy of IG promotion. If you appreciate quality, convenience, excellent performance, saved time, Ingramer will become not only the tool for getting more followers, it will become your personal companion and promotion assistant. I wish you all success!
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