How to Figure Out If You’re a Workaholic – By Wrike Project Management Software

Working hard and overworking have a vast difference. And when people do not take vacations, holidays, work on weekends, and stay in the office late, they show signs of being a workaholic.

In today’s culture, workaholic is an honorable badge, but it comes with negative consequences. Working in limit is helpful, but overworking can deter your mental and physical health. It also affects your personal and professional relationships. There are chances that it reduces your productivity and leads you to burnout!!

How to Figure Out If You’re a Workaholic

So, if you are not sure whether you are working hard or overworking, aka workaholic, check this post.

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Signs Of A Workaholic:

#1. Working on weekends:

If you are willingly working on weekends, there are good chances that you are becoming a workaholic. However, if you are working outside the office or staying in the office during weekends, it is time to reassess.

Weekends are not for work, do the things you love instead of office work. If you are not doing so, it is a long chain of working, starting with work and ending with work, which can be problematic in the long term.

Take enough time to reset, recharge and refresh. Catch up on the things that matter. If you don’t have a life, try to get one.

#2. Anxious and uneasy feeling without working:

An endless to-do list may cause anxiety. However, an endless to-do list reduces your productivity. That is why it is essential to develop productivity and organizational tactics to get the most out of it. You can take the help of Wrike project management software.

For a workaholic person, leaving work cause uneasiness and anxiety as working provide then stability and comfort. If you are in this position, understand that taking a break and not working is expected. You don’t have to feel guilty for that. You could even look into a natural product like these D8 gummies from Organic CBD Nugs to help relieve you of some of the feelings of anxiety you may be experiencing.

#3. Vacation word doesn’t exist in the dictionary:

If it is difficult to leave the office in the evening think about a few days or weeks. If this thought makes you crazy, plan something that can disconnect you from work. Plan a vacation as it takes you away from the office, but it helps you relax and boost productivity and creativity.

#4. Don’t avoid real issues:

Most workaholic people use work as a weapon to divert their minds from real-life issues. Moreover, it is a socially approved way to suppress other acute problems in life. As a result, people use work as an excuse and do not admit that they are using work to distract them from living.

#5. Work through lunch:

What is worse than not taking holidays or weekends? Of course, working through lunch is the answer. However, working without a break can hinder productivity and output.

It is a myth that with more working hours, you can achieve higher working productivity. To get more productivity, take intermittent periods of renewal during working hours.

#6. First one & the last one in the office:

When you reach the office early, you find yourself the first one, and at the end of the day, you are the last one to leave the office, it is something wrong with you. Working excessively can affect your health and productivity. When you work for 50-60 hours per week, reduce your time. 40 hours per week is being recommended, and for additional 20 hours, the productivity increased for 3-4 weeks only.

#7. No extra hobby:

Work is part of living. And to live life, you have to work but in limit. Also, disconnect yourself. Find your hobbies and passions to motivate yourself to away from work. For example, you can play guitar, read books or go camping. If you don’t want to involve in 9 to 5, find some hobbies.

So, it is all about some habits of a workaholic. If you are still confused, take this quiz and make yourself sure.

Here is a good Infographic brought to you by Wrike best online project management software

How to Figure Out If You’re a Workaholic - by Wrike project management software

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