Top 4 Digital Analytics Course In India

There are many people around the nation who are trying to seek job in the ever expanding market of digital marketing. In this rat race of seeking the job there are many you come up as individuals having the potential skills. Now how will the employers get to know who among all is the best for the job. The only way to determine this is the proof of being qualified in the same. And the only way to show that you are qualified is to have the certificate. To have the certificate you need to take the test for which you need to undergo a training. Here we are to solve your problem if you are confused as to what all courses can you do to make all this happen. Though there are both the short term and long term courses available but here we tend to focus on the long term ones that are at least 9 months long. The list of Top 4 Web Analytics training course In India are as follows, all of which are a boost to your digital marketing career:

Digital Analytics Course

1. Certified Program in Business Analytics (CBA) – Indian School of Business:

Certified Program in Business Analytics (CBA) is an offering by the Indian School of Business. There are plethora of topics that are covered here. Pupils are supposed to attend the classroom every second month. With the help of technology students are taught efficiently during the non classroom training period. You get enough opportunity to interact with the live industries in addition to the 3 or 6 month project that happens when the course tends to end. It has the brand name ISB which aids the tie-up with the SAS. Here you get every knowledge that you must have. Though the fee is higher as compared to the other courses but it is good. Moreover travelling to Hyderabad every other month proves the course to be even more expensive.


This one comes with association to Great Lakes Institute of Management that is presently running at Chennai as well as Gurgaon. Though you can call Great Lakes to be a late entrant but it is good and had made its entry in full aims at focusing on the structured thinking as well as the business application. Here as the former one, there is the concept of both a classroom as well as the aid of technology. It has a tie-up with the Jigsaw Academy that delivers the online content. You have an option to select from among the 2 destination. There is however no proper focus on one particular too, this tends to be the limitation of the same.

3. Executive Programme in Business Analytics

It is the product of IIM Kolkata. It takes almost an year to complete this course. There are 10 modules in total. You have to visit the campus only 2 times as the major section of the course is provided through Hughes Education. This programme requires the lower work experience in comparison to its counterparts. Also, there is less classroom interactions that gets it into the circle of doubt. Instead of focusing on the practical approach more focus is laid on the theoretical one.

4. Business analytics and Intelligence

IIM Bangalore is the one to provide this course and also the pioneer in starting this program. It is basically a one year program. It is a mixture of the classroom and the online platform. It also offers an optional module to cover the SAS E-Miner at the end. The benefits are that it includes the coverage of wide range of algorithms as well as the topics. It is supported by the brand IIM which s another charm.

All in all, these are the Top 4 Digital analytics course In India. You can go in for doing any of these and emerge to be a superior counterpart to those who are competing for the same sphere for which you are. Having some of these courses done will give you an edge over your competitors. Therefore, you can go in for doing any and see what difference does this gets you and how confident you eventually tend to become.