How can a Google Certified Digital Analytics Training & Certification Course Help You?

Without it, it would be much more difficult and expensive to measure the results of campaigns, to monitor the volume of traffic on a site and even the sales of an e-commerce.

Even though many professionals use Digital Analytics daily, few know how to take advantage of all the functions of this tools deeply.

Therefore, if you want to stand out in the market, opting for certified courses can be an excellent starting point!

But, where to start?

In order to train qualified professionals, who know how to use this tool, the Google team has a series of free videos-classrooms that explain all the Digital Analytics functionalities.

Thus, you will have all the necessary information before performing the certification test.

It seems that Google intends to start the year with a series of changes in the different Internet advertising platforms that have been developing. In a statement, the technology company announced that MarketMotive will become the exclusive location of training courses, exams and certifications of the Google Partners program for companies, AdWords agencies and digital marketing professionals.

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Google Certified Digital Analytics

To help you, even more, we prepare this article for everything you need to know before taking the Digital Analytics Training and certification. This content is about a series of tips that will give you confidence at the time of the test.

You can now take an essential course in any professional profile in online marketing with us, the Google Analytics certification in MarketMotive. A course in which you will learn to control, measure and interpret the data of web pages. In addition, we help you get your Google Analytics certificate.

  • We teach you the main concepts and tools to obtain the Google Analytics certification. With this course, you will see analytics as an important tool to optimize your online business.
  • In addition, if you do not pass the exam, you can repeat the course for free, as long as there are free places in the next edition.
  • This course is aimed at professionals who want to enter the world of web analytics, entrepreneurs who want to apply the data to their business or students who want to discover the world of analytics.

The international title of Google Analytics officially certifies the domain of the Google Analytics tool by the student. Ideal if:

  • You work in development and web design environments.
  • You run digital marketing campaigns.
  • You want to understand the statistics of your business website.
  • You want to increase your skills in digital marketing.
  • You want to obtain a recognized degree in more than 200 countries.

If at the end you have not managed to pass the Google Analytics exam and obtain your certification, we give you the opportunity to repeat the course for free (as long as there are free places).

As mandatory requirements to repeat the course completely free you must have attended class and have done the exercises that have been proposed by teachers.

We are confident that you will pass the exam without problems as all students have done so far.

Who should take the Digital Analytics certificate?

Any professional who works with marketing should obtain the Digital Analytics certification.

In the end, it verifies that you know how to use all the functions of the tool, who finally ends up being the backbone of any content marketing strategy.

And, if you are looking for an internship or a job in this area, this certificate becomes even more important.
It can be the differential between you and another candidate, making you stand out in the eyes of your future employer.

If you work in an agency, this certificate can also help your agency receive the Google Partner seal through the Google Partner Program.

Understanding Digital Analytics Academy

To help all marketing professionals better understand the Digital Analytics functionalities, the Google team developed a series of free courses that are available on the Digital Analytics Academy page.

In total, five courses are offered, dealing with basic and advanced subjects

#1. Fundamentals of Digital Analysis:

In this course, you will learn the principles of Digital Analytics, including how to create an account, collect data and make reports.

#2. Principles of the Digital Analytics platform:

In this module, you will learn how the Digital Analytics platform works, from the data collection to the processing of the information that will make up your analysis.

#3. Ecommerce Analytics: From the data to the decision

If you work with online transactions, this course is essential.

With it, you will learn how the analysis of e-commerce data works in Digital Analytics and how to use it to understand your consumers and buying habits.

#4. Fundamentals of analysis of mobile applications:

The data analysis process of mobile applications is very different from a website.

Therefore, it is important to learn how to accompany both metrics and acquisition channels, as well as information on the behaviour of users within an app.

#5. Fundamentals of Google Tag Manager:

In this course, you will learn how this other free Google tool, Tag Manager, can help you implement Digital Analytics and manage the data collection process on your site.

Despite adding all these courses, Digital Analytics Academy does not provide proof of certification. So, look below step by step to get your certificate!

Step by step: How to take the Digital Analytics certification test

To obtain your Digital Analytics certification, you must take a test that has 70 questions, and guess at least 80% of them.

Contrary to what many people think, the certification test is not found on the Digital Analytics Academy site. To access it, follow the instructions:

  • Enter the Google Partners site
  • Access the “Participate in Google Partners” tab
  • Click on “Register now”
  • Accept the terms and conditions
  • Fill in the details of your name and e-mail to register.

Once you are on the Google Partners platform, click on “Certifications” “Analytics”, in the main menu on the left.

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