Five Things You Must Know About ITSM Code Configuration

When you are planning to automate many systems for your company or to order ITSM products, you must know how code configuration works. There are several configuration items throughout your system that will help automate your businesses functions, share information, and create reports. You can use these configuration items to create simple processes like opening a security door, or you could automate financial tasks, billing, invoicing, and data transfer. Read the five steps below to learn how you can configure coding for your system.

ITSM Code Configuration
ITSM Code Configuration

How Mature Is Your System?

System maturity should be checked before you purchase or implement an ITSM software program. You should ask your programmer to audit the system, and you need to know if you can run the program using the network that you already have.

If you need to upgrade, you must upgrade before the system goes live. If your system ever slows down, you must upgrade your system again. We recommend that you check for any potential problems ur upgrades at least once a year.

Which Tools Do You Need?

It is a waste of your time and money to integrate every possible tool all at once. You should determine which tools you need, how you will use them, and when they should be implemented. Because of this, you can upgrade every year when you do a new maturity audit. Plus, we can show you how these tools will help your business. We also explain which tools you do not need because certain companies do not use every tool that is available.

Study The Products We Offer

We always recommend that you study the products we offer. You can read reviews online and take a look at what your colleagues think, which businesses are using these systems, and what we have done in the past. You need to comfortable with the purchase that you are about to make, and you can talk to us about the products that you need. We can explain how you could use the tools we offer, and you can compare that assessment to what your friends have done.

We will give you as much information as possible so that you know what you are paying for. The ITSM system will cover every aspect of your business, and you have every right to ask what we can do to make your company more efficient.

Does The System Improve The Experience?

When you are planning on buying a new ITSM system for your company, you cannot forget about the customer. You may have focused quite a lot on the things that the system can do for your office because you have a lot of information to manage, people to manage, vendors to communicate with, and vehicles to track. You are hoping to save a lot of money when you streamline the system, but you need to make the customer’s life easier at the same time.

Ask us how we can improve the end user experience. We know that we can configure your internal business systems to improve your daily workflow, but we also help with the end user experience. We can show you samples of how your customers can easily shop on your website, how notifications are sent to customers, or how you can market to customers. When we add the user experience to the internal business system, your company makes more money from happy customers.

What Are Your Licensing And Hosting Options?

Licensing and hosting is a big part of the overall ITSM installation. You need to know if you will use physical servers or keep everything in the cloud. You need to know how much storage space is available for the data you collect, and you need to know how much it costs to host everything. Some companies forget about hosting because they think is a simple software program that can be installed in a few moments. This is not the case.

You also are free to ask us how much it costs to license the software that you get. Licensing fees change from one system to another, and you need to budget for those licensing fees. We will work with you to keep the price as low as possible, but you must understand that both licensing and hosting fees are necessary to complete your installation.


When we are working with customers on a new ITSM system, we want you to consider all the options above. Licensing and hosting should be a part of your budget, and you must research our services to learn which tools you need. You can assess your system to determine if it can handle the system you would like to use, and we can help you with upgrades after your initial installation. Automating and streamlining your business systems is possible once you have completed the steps above.

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