Improve Your Small Business’s Efficiency with Cloud-Based Solutions

Modern technology has paved the way for easier, streamlined, and faster customer interactions. Almost everything that you do for your small business is improved by technology. Record every transaction from the point of sale to your database. Monitor your inventory using the software. Life, in general, has been upgraded, so to speak, because of technology. Now, it’s time to take your small business to the next level: the cloud.

The cloud, of course, refers to the cloud-computing systems of the today-a vast network of digital storage that allows accessing any form of computer resource on-demand. According to CDW’s Larry Burt, more small businesses have shifted their work processes to the cloud. Migrating to the cloud can be advantageous for your company; here are five reasons why.

cloud based solution for small business

The power of mobility

Access your data anytime, anywhere with the cloud. By using cloud-based software or platforms, you don’t have to bother with having to install software or go to a physical location to do the things you need to do. Your team can collaborate anywhere; you can do it in the confines of your home or the office. You can access it at the beach, with a margarita on the side. As long as you’ve developed proper network and security protocols for you and your employees, your data will be safe and easily accessible for everyone. For example, many database administrators will now migrate their SQL server to Azure in order to leverage the incredible power of Microsoft’s cloud platform, whilst retaining security.

Requires fewer people to manage

Cloud-computing systems, whether they’re Software-as-a-Service or Platform-as-a-Service, requires fewer people to manage and maintain. You’re only paying for using these systems. It’s up to the cloud service providers to make sure their servers are well-maintained. With cloud services, you won’t have to hire a lot of IT people to perform routine checks or fix your small business’s network infrastructure. This lets you focus on hiring more people on much-needed functions instead.


Technology has advanced a lot to the point that software and services are often bundled up and accessed in the cloud. Such services often offer software suites and the like that lets you access all the software you need if you subscribe. Such examples include Microsoft’s Office 365 and Adobe’s Creative Cloud. Small businesses can even subscribe to a hosted PBX provider to have affordable, easy-to-use phone service without any complex hardware required.

Simplified scalability

Scalability refers to the ability of a system to function well regardless of changes in size-whether in the number of employees or clients. With the cloud, scalability has become simplified; businesses can easily pay for extra features and the like as soon as they need it. CDW’s Burt, in an article for BizTech Magazine, said it lessens the need to do estimates or anticipate growth because “cloud infrastructure can be scaled up and down as needed.”

Secure data protection

According to Beazley Breach Response Services, 71% of ransomware incidents targeted small businesses. With some small businesses leaving their network security to Hail Marys and bad passwords, it’s no wonder they get attacked. Major cloud systems providers, such as Amazon, and Microsoft, comply with security regulations to protect your business’s data and information from hackers and ransomware. And while such systems are not infallible, they’re more secure than your typical network security.

Taking your small business to the cloud isn’t just a millennial buzzword. It can enhance and streamline the work you do. It’s cheaper and easier to set-up, too. Tap the potential of cloud-based systems today.

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