If you’re going to organize the employee of the month program then you should make sure that it will be more improved than before. With the new and creative ideas, you can easily improve the structure of your employee of the month program. In this discussion, we’re going to discuss the top 10 ways by which you can easily improve the employee of the month program. So, let’s start.
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- #1. Specify your goals
- #2. Structure establishment
- #3. Eligibility requirement
- #4. Determine how you select the employee of the month
- #5. Provide recognition and prize
- #6. The Prize Should be meaningful
- #7. Show the program to your employees
- #8. Publicize the winner
- #9. Provide Plaque or Trophy awards
- #10. Reassess the employee of the month program
#1. Specify your goals
It is very important to specify your goals and criteria to select the best employee of the month. This criterion can be specified in increasing sales, improving productivity, and many other measures. This helps you to compare the performance of your employees to specified criteria.
#2. Structure establishment
The structure establishment refers to the work of employees under the rules and regulations of the company. You can easily meet the structure of the program by analyzing, Understanding, and verifying the performance of the employee.
#3. Eligibility requirement
Setting the eligibility requirements is one of the best options to improve the employee of the month program. You can select the eligibility of full-time employees or part-time and work on a specific post in the company. This helps to sort list the deserving employee.
#4. Determine how you select the employee of the month
You can also make certain criteria that can or can’t be subject impressions. You may also see the non-subjective qualities like leadership qualities, positive attitude, and personality, etc.
#5. Provide recognition and prize
It is very important to provide recognition to your employee of the month in front of the whole staff with the prize. This will motivate the employee to devote his more potential to the company.
#6. The Prize Should be meaningful
The prize which you provided to the employee must be meaningful. You can give bonuses, Gift cards, Time-off, Flextime, and on-the-job training. You can also give travel tickets to your employee.
#7. Show the program to your employees
To make your program secretive. Make sure to communicate about the program details like eligibility and criteria to all the employees so that they work more potentially in the company.
#8. Publicize the winner
Make a dedicated “award ceremony” to publicize the winner. This will motivate the winner as well the other employees to work harder in the future. Well, if your business is small then you declare the winner in a small house meeting or any other place. It depends on your type of business.
#9. Provide Plaque or Trophy awards
This is also a great idea to provide trophy awards and plaques to your employees. Print the name of the employee in the plaque and trophy awards and provide it to the winner in the “award ceremony”.
#10. Reassess the employee of the month program
Make sure to reassess the program of an employee of the month program. This will maintain the interest of the employee towards the company.
So, here we discussed all the 10 ways by which you can improve your Employee of the month program. By providing trophy awards you can give proper motivation to your employee to be more potentially in the company.
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