Cloud and Clear: How The Right Tech Can Make a Remote Workforce Feel United

Remote working has become the norm throughout the pandemic and is expected to continue in its popularity post-pandemic. Though ‘Freedom Day’ is upon us, many companies are continuing to offer flexible working for their employees, be it a hybrid office model or fully remote working.

With some people in the office and some choosing to work from home, the question of how we can keep the workforce united is raised. The answer may seem obvious – having a great unified communications system – but there may be more layers than we realize.

The right tech has the power to transform your company’s communications and make a remote workforce feel united. So here are some of the ways you can make your communications cloud and clear.

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How The Right Tech Can Make a Remote Workforce Feel United

Have a clear communication strategy

It goes without saying that the best remote workforces are the teams that are in touch with one another frequently and on the same platform. Group chats are a great way to encourage the team to communicate about a common goal, as well as building a sense of team spirit.

It’s also a good idea to schedule in regular conference calls with the team. Not only does this give the team the opportunity to catch up face to face, but it also mitigates the risk of employees missing important details that got lost in the group chat. Give each attendee the opportunity to give updates about their progress and make sure everyone is aligned and on the same page.

Improve communications between the office and home

We know that someone having to work away from site can create huge delays in communication. Having to wait hours for someone to send over that crucial document that we just can’t work without, can be mitigated by making some simple adjustments to internal communications systems.

Switching to a system that offers multiple communications channels in one place allows the workforce operating from home and the team in the office to use the same system hybrid work model. This means that with a stable internet connection, files can be shared and prompted by instant messages, on one platform.

Break the ice

When you’re working remotely, it can be easy to forget that you are part of a team and that it is acceptable to the conversation that isn’t about work. The group chat can easily become a place of socializing, as well as sharing work.

Breaking up the work chat with silly games and debates is a great way to set the stage for a creative session or brainstorming.

Unite the team and allow better communication with your customers

A cloud contact centre has all the benefits of unified communications, but with the added benefit of allowing remote workers to effectively communicate with their customers through one single channel.

Whether the customer prefers instant messaging, email, or speaking to an actual human being on the phone, all connectivity is streamlined through this omnichannel approach.

It even allows you to mix and match your modes of communications, for example transferring an instant message chat to an email or following up a phone call with a quick text.

Heard it cloud and clear? Use these tech solutions to help to make your remote workforce feel united, even in a post-pandemic world.

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