How Mobile Phones Can Fight Poverty?

The social development of the world is infinitely far from even relative prosperity. Even in spite of abundance, wealth, global connections and technical capabilities, there is deep poverty in the world.

There are quite a number of approaches to fighting poverty. Some approaches focus on providing microfinance, mobile money, projects to improve living standards or by creating structured educational systems. All this is, of course, several of the many approaches of the government and organizations to fighting poverty.

In the modern world, the availability of a mobile phone or even two is a common thing for developing countries. In such countries, a mobile phone has become so accessible to everyone that it is even difficult to imagine that there are people who do not use mobile phones. Smartphones have become an integral part of everyday life, a multifunctional tool for simplifying life: paying for banking services, ordering goods or food, worldwide communications, access to any information and even making business deals. However, there are still poor countries in the world, for which a mobile phone is a cherished fruit. Can mobile phone fight poverty? Yes, undoubtedly mobile phones can bring significant results in solving this worldwide problem, read these essays to learn more.

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How Mobile Phones Can Fight Poverty

Mobile Phones Vs Poverty

It is difficult for a modern person to appreciate all the advantages of mobile technologies since smartphones have become something ordinary. However, in the underdeveloped countries, mobile technologies have begun to play a vital role. They become part of the fight against the world’s poor. Mobile phones in such countries are a vital thing that inspires confidence and a sense of security.

Nowadays, many organizations or applications are being developed to deal with such a social problem as poverty. For example, in Indonesia, a company called Ruma is dedicated to helping Indonesians manage their business through a mobile phone. For example, one Indonesian resident increased her income from two dollars to ten more than the skills she had been trained by the company.

Also, there is a company Bodhi in India that offers an efficient, but effective system for training rural health workers on computers, smartphones, and tablets. However, smartphones are more widespread than gadgets.

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Health care

The access to health care is a key factor, without which it is very difficult to deal with poverty. Mobile technologies provide an opportunity to improve the quality of medical care.

For example, thanks to the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action, women can get valuable information about pregnancy, about healthy childbirth and how to take care of babies. Women in 70 countries use this information.

The Hi4Life application provides medical advice and answers to questions about secular health in South Africa. The application provides information for combating AIDS and other diseases that are sexually transmitted.

The company “Malaria no more” affected the life of 12 percent.

Mobile technologies in education

Today, the introduction of mobile technologies into the education system is a method of increasing efficiency in the United States. The non-profit educational company Eneza Education decided to do this in poorer countries. This mobile platform is used in 400 schools in Kenya and employs more than 100,000 students. However, the company aims to increase the number of students by more than 200,000.


Most of the inhabitants of poor countries have neither a bank account nor an opportunity to open it. Because of this, they have to save and postpone for the future, which often leads to the poor. With the help of mobile banking, access to the electronic system of money accumulation appears. More and more people are starting to use this system, transfer money to each other, receive insurance policies and loans. Moreover, this will undoubtedly help countries enter the modern economy.

Mobile technologies in agriculture

Farmers do not have enough information about market prices, but with the advent of mobile phones this may change and the farmer will be able to sell his products at a market price and quickly find a buyer. For example, the Kenya mobile platform SokoniSMS64 is based on the exchange of SMS messages, which contain the wholesale price of the product. agriculture, which enables farmers to orient themselves in price. In the same platform, farmers can communicate with each other, with customers, and negotiate the price.

There are also applications such as “iCow from M-Farm”, the purpose of which is to help organize everything on the farm: the schedule of cattle feeding and even the weather. This helps farmers to plan out all economic processes well and prepare in advance for changing the weather.

Natural disasters and genocide are also not excluded

Mobile phones can help here. For example, Kenyans have the opportunity to report cases of ethnic violence through SMS, a similar system is used in the Congo.

In Kenya, fires are very common, wooden houses in poor neighborhoods often catch fire and lead to serious tragedies. To prevent such accidents, a smoke detection system was created, which, by SMS, warns about a possible threat. This program is implemented in many countries and has saved lives for a large number of people.

Everyone Can Contribute to the Fight Against Poverty Through His Mobile

Every owner of his smartphone can spend a little of his time and help fight poverty. How? It’s very simple, there are some interesting and simple ways by which you can choose the most suitable for yourself. We give you just a few of the huge number of applications with which everyone has the opportunity to do good deeds, and maybe even save someone’s life. Just a couple of hours of your time can make our world and life much better. Start now and make your invaluable contribution to the world.

  • Doing sports will help in the fight against poverty! Do you like sports? Every morning starts with a run? Or do you like to walk, dance or ride a lot? Then you have the opportunity to bring your favorite sport an incredible benefit to society. How? You need to download the Charity Miles app, then choose a charitable organization and do sports. Each mile you run or ride will bring money to charity. You or your friends can also become sponsors of charity through this application.
  • Photos in the fight against poverty. Do you like taking pictures and have enough interesting photos on your phone? Your photos can help in the fight against poverty! Donate a photo app gives this opportunity, Johnson & Johnson will donate $1 for a photo. Please note that the photos you upload will never be used for commercial purposes.
  • If you want to help, just turn on the application and find out where you will be useful!
    You want to help people, but do not know where to start and where to turn? The geolocation application Volunteer Match shows opportunities for volunteers who are next to them. The application includes a huge number of organizations, which makes it possible to choose volunteer activities.
  • Do you take pictures of food in restaurants every time? This will help in the fight against poverty!

If you every time you order food in restaurants like to photograph it, then download the Feedie application. Choose companies of participants, go to their restaurants. Order what you love and take a photo of your order. After that, the restaurant will donate 25 cents to the non-profit charitable organization The Lunchbox Foundation. This company provides lunch to students who are in poor areas of South Africa.

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These are just a few examples of the role that mobile phones play in the fight against global poverty. Mobile phones contribute to the cardinal development of people around the world, opening their users to open access to such important services as education, healthcare, finance and even business. Of course, mobile technologies alone are not enough to solve this problem, but in an alliance with other existing approaches, this can bring staggering results.