You can get a lot of options in the search engines for free web hosting, but if you want the best kind of free web hosting, then you have to choose, one of the premier free web host. is powered by Hostinger and is quite trustworthy. Not only free web hosting, but a wide range of features are available at This website has been in the business for around 11 years and millions of users around the globe trust Usually, in many free hosting websites, you get a lot of unwanted advertisements. But with, that is never possible. You don’t have to use any credit card. It is completely free, and all you have to do is to sign up. If you check out, you can see that they provide 99 percent uptime. You may have great content on your website, but if it is not visible to users, then there is no use. solves this problem and delivers whatever it promises. The best part about is that they do not have any restrictions on the usage of PHP and MySQL. You can even get access to all the latest versions of PHP as well as MySQL. Whatever plan you sign up for, you will get a huge amount of space and good bandwidth. also gives you access to auto-installer, and you can download more than 50 scripts for your website. You will also get to use the website builder if you decide to be a part of family. There is a wide range of options for templates, and you can build your website from scratch. It is so easy that you just have to click once to create your website’s subpage, contact form or even the gallery.
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Better Than Its Competitors
The question is not why you should use The main question should be why you are not using for your website. provides free webhosting, and you will never be disappointed with their service. They are even better than most of the paid hosts available in the market these days. These people own their servers so will always provide free web host. You can compare with its competitors and see the difference yourself. You will not get spammed by unnecessary spams anymore at Companies such as domain avenue or server axis are highly unpredictable when it comes to web hosting. They do not provide any customer support and make your life more difficult. is ranked in the first or second place when it comes to web hosting. It is powered by Hostinger, a company which has earned a lot of praise among several users.
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Lot Of Features Available
- Uptime: offers a good amount of uptime to all its users. Uptime is very important for your website. Even if you have a good website, your website needs to be visible to your audience and grab their attention. If your competitors have more access to users, then you will never achieve your goal. That’s why you need to choose your web hosting company efficiently. promises and delivers 99 percent uptime. You can go to their website and check the status of the uptime at any time you want.
- Billing software: You can use the amazing billing software -Box billing if you choose as your hosting service. It helps in billing as well as accounting. You can also start invoicing all your clients on your website by using this software. Handling a business has never been this easy as you don’t have to deal with accounting or billing or invoicing anymore. This software works with multiple kinds of currency and is known to accept one time and recurring payments. There is a modular system available that allows you even to write your extensions.
- Domain hosting: helps you to get unlimited and free domain hosting for your website. You can get almost any domain name you want. You have the liberty to choose your domain or sub-domain. even supports international domains as well. Whether the domain name you want is available or not, you can even check it using the domain checker that is available on the website.
- Free hosting of WordPress: The servers at are the best in the market and makes WordPress hosting easy. helps you to focus on the content of your website while it looks after all the technical requirements. You even have access to a tutorial on WordPress at, and if you are a beginner, it will help you immensely. The best part about hosting WordPress is that doesn’t charge you anything. Your WordPress blog will function properly, and you don’t have to bother about advertisements anymore. HHTP/2, as well as NGINX, helps to make the WordPress hosting faster and smoothly. Even if you don’t own a domain at any point in time, you can always use the short domain. You also have the liberty to add or change your domain name later on. There is a 24/7 support team for all the users, and you can ask any question regarding WordPress.
- Free Cpanel: If you choose you will get a good Cpanel along with administrative tools. This makes the web hosting way easier. has a unique feature that is not present in any other web hosting company. You also get a web hosting account free of cost along with the Cpanel. This Cpanel deals with all the administration problems. You will get a disk space of around 1000 MB along with a bandwidth of 10 GB. You can also change the language and the theme of the Cpanel. It also helps you to access all your files on your website through FTP. There are backups available for all the contents on your website. You also get protection from Hotlink so that other websites do not have access to your files.
So what are you waiting for? Don’t miss this golden opportunity. helps you to establish your website for free.