When I have started my blog, the first question came in my mind that which is better Blogger OR WordPress for blogging. So, I decide to write about this topic.
Before we begin the debate on which is the best platform to blog, let us first know better what a blog is? A blog or weblog is an online informal style diary entry written by an individual(s) on any topic. Different types of blogs are available on the web- personal, corporate and organizational, collaborative or group blogs. They are also divided on the genre- political, travel, music, health, fashion; basically, anything under the sun is written about and posted for people to read and comment. Blogs can be maintained or hosted by single users or can be interactive as in multiple user blogs. They also allow scope for comments and discussions on concerned specific topic. Blogging started to gain popularity in the late 1990s and now, it has become an important platform for discussions and information. There are different platforms available to host your thoughts and opinions. Here, we discuss the pros and cons of two of the most popular sites for blogging- Blogger or WordPress.
Which Blogging Platform to Choose WordPress OR Blogger?
This blog-publishing website was launched in 1999 and later in 2003 purchased by Google. After the purchase of Picasa in 2004, Google integrated it with Blogger allowing the users to not just write their thoughts but also share their photos. Being under the domain of Google, has given Blogger a few advantages:
• It is free; you probably have a Blogger account if you have one on Gmail
• It helps you integrate the services of the parent concern
• It is easier to use and navigate
• It is available in multiple languages
• You can blog by using not just your smartphones (working on Android OS or iOS) but also the older models (using SMS or MMS).
Going through these advantages may lure you to choose Blogger as your blogging medium. However, you need to be aware of what WordPress offers you in comparison.
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WordPress started in 2003, is an online open-source website and mobile application creation tool, apart from being used for blogging. It offers you the freedom to use it for any purpose without paying a licence fee. It is one of the easiest and most popular tool being used on web with more than a few million websites running on it.
• It allows you the freedom to customize your blog/website by using a wide variety of themes and plugins available.
• The software is free, easy to download and use, offers you a plethora of options in terms of themes and plugins which may boggle the mind of a first time user.
• Learning the ropes and becoming acquainted with the multiple features offered by it is quite time consuming for a first time blogger. However, these very things serve as a boon when you decide to make your blog a more serious issue.
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Blogger vs. WordPress
When comparing these two, you find the need to discuss your needs as a user. In case of a first time user, who intends to blog to release their creativity, Blogger is the ideal tool. It is easy to use; doesn’t offer you too many options to confuse you; offers assistance and guides you through your very first entries; persistent support from the parent company Google is available which you are already quite familiar with. However, the very thing which works as an advantage for a new user becomes a drawback when they want to modify or add options.
There is a huge difference in the range offered by Blogger and WordPress. The latter offers you much more creative options for not just your blog but also to develop your website. Last but not the least, Blogger with lesser creative options is relatively cheaper, with most options available for free. However, the content is limited by size and is owned and monitored by Google which may exercise their opinion and options on YOUR posts.
WordPress on the other hand, with the multiple options available, has a disadvantage that most of the addendums prove to burn a hole in your pocket. So only a serious blogger or website developer will choose it for the many options it offers. But, on the brighter side, YOU are the sole owner of your blog/domain without any moderation from the site and size limit to your blog is much higher than that available on Blogger.
Choose best blogging platform and start blogging.
Happy Blogging 🙂
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