As a small business or agency, you may be looking for cost-effective ways to marketing your services. One of the best ways any SME can market themselves is with the aid of digital advertising. In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, online advertising is one of the best ways to market products and services at a minimal cost. In this article, we have a look at how you can make a big splash as a small agency online, so read on to find out more!

1. Make Use Of The Big Names
One of the best ways to really get your name out there is to utilise the many of the big time business listings available to you online. Registering your business on sites such as Google My Business, Bing and Yahoo! Local is a fantastic way to ensure you are more easily found on search engines. The process of listing your business is simple – you fill in a form and register, then get your business verified through a confirmation process. Greatly increase your chances of landing on the first page of a search engine result by simply listing yourself with the big names!
2. Social Media Ads
You’ll have noticed in recent years that ads are plentiful on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Social media ads are a very cost effective way of advertising your products and services for a minimal fee. You set the amount of money you are willing to spend on advertising, the audience you would like to tap into and the exact contact that your potential clients will see on your ad. Other platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn also offer ad options which you can try out. The best part about social media ads is that you are entirely in control, and you can even start with a budget as low as $5.
3. Get Into The SEO Game
You may have heard the term SEO floating around in recent times. SEO stands for search engine optimisation, a critical tool that all businesses should look into when trying to advertise online. Optimising your company website and engaging in good SEO practices can not only improve the usability of your website; it can also determine how high you rank on a search engine results page. The higher you rank, the better your chances of attracting potential customers. This is why optimising your website is essential in the journey of successful online advertising. There are many ways in which you can optimise your website, some of which can be found here.
4. Send Out Press Releases
Sending out press releases is an amazing way of getting the name of your business in a widely read publication. Press releases that are well written allow you to communicate important company news or events that you can use to pursue media outlets. Every time your business does something new and amazing, don’t hesitate to send out a press release. Press releases are overall a powerful media tool that can generate a fair amount of publicity for your business without you having to spend big bucks.
5. Contribute To The Community
Last but not least, one of the best ways to advertise your business online is to join a relevant community and contribute to it. You can do this by joining forums, regularly engaging on networking platforms such as LinkedIn and building a rapport with your community. The key to succeeding in this sector is to always remember to keep your business out of your discussions. Instead, passively promote your business by adding a signature to the end of your posts or linking your link on your profile. Only ever mention your business if it is in the correct context, and avoid outright promotions entirely.
We hope that this article has given you some ideas on how you can promote your business online. Online promotion is one of the best ways for any business in 2019 to get their name out there, and the best part is that it doesn’t cost very much money – ideal for small agencies who may not have an exorbitant advertising budget.