4 Ways in Which Your Web Hosting Affects SEO

If you have a website, the single most important factor that will determine its popularity and success is search engine optimization (SEO), because if you are not showing up on top of those SERPs while people search with a term that’s relevant to your site or blog, your target audience will never even be able to find you. Although there are many other factors that determine how your search engine optimization efforts will pan out, a lot of people are unaware that the quality of the web hosting has a particularly significant impact on it as well.


Lower Downtime Equals to Better SEO

There’s a reason why all good web hosting services advertise their low downtime and that reason has a lot to do with SEO. Aside from the fact that each minute your site is down, you are losing customers, traffic and subscribers, downtime also means that during those hours or minutes, the search engine crawlers would be unable to get a hold of your site and therefore, it will inevitably hurt your SEO efforts and ranking.

Page Load Speeds

Admittedly, how fast your site will load depends on factors such as the programming and the content itself, but the most important determinant here is your web hosting service. If you have a slow hosting server, your site will take longer to open and that definitely hurts SEO. There are so many options today that people will not wait around forever for a site to load anymore. In fact, even having a few second’s disadvantage over the competition is enough for your viewers to leave before the website opens up.


A decade ago, security would not have been related to SERP rankings, but now they are because Google and other search engines have updated their systems sufficiently enough to detect and blacklist any website that has been hacked or infected. What this means is that if your web hosting provider is not up to date with the security measures and tools necessary for protecting the hosted sites, your site’s name might be shown with a warning signal each time someone tries to access it from a SERP or even directly via typing in the address.

Local IP

The golden rule is that the service provider you are going with should have servers in the same country or region from where you expect a majority of your customers/subscribers to come from. The reason for this is quite simple really; local servers with local IP addresses will load faster and will be ranked higher in the search engine result pages.

Now that the importance of quality web hosting has been made clear in regard to its effect on SEO, be sure to check out some great web hosting reviews here before signing up with a service provider. In order to make the right choice based on the concerned business’s particular needs, it is important that the services and features provided by each hosting service is weighed in first.

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