Google Algorithm “Possum” Update : Everything You Need to Know

Google Possum Algorithm Update for Local Business Address

Google Possum Algorithm Update for Local Business Address

Google updated its new algorithm ‘Possum’ on 1st September, 2016, in order to provide better and sundry results for those who are in search for a local business or are seeking for some service. Its main object is to remove the duplicate and fraud business listings in the Local Pack results. This algorithm scrutinize the websites in depth if one is looking out for indicators such as traffic, fresh content, links, information etc. which determines if your website is helpful to the viewers. Through Search engine optimization (SEO), your business ranks higher in the search results and help you grow your business by drawing more customers. So, let’s know in details how this update affected your listings:

How Google Possum Update Affect Local Search

1) Address:

Earlier when users of Google, included the city name in their searches, Google didn’t have the exact information to provide, so it proved purely disadvantageous to the businesses. Some of the business centers shared the same address so it became really difficult for the clients to draw out the correct information. With the introduction of ‘possum’ Google is now able to filter the businesses which had the same address and also which have a dissimilar suite number at the same address.

For example, if Roman electricity’s company’s location is in its suburbs, then it really becomes difficult for the local searchers to locate the electricity business listing in the Local Pack. After Google launched the Possum update, these problems became minimal with the update of the addition information of address in their SEO; the users can now draw out any information based on the address updates.

Also read: Off Page SEO Optimization Techniques

2) Users Physical Location:

With the invention of ‘possum’ on SEO, you can customize your search using different zip codes, by which you can find the exact thing you are looking out for. For instance, if you are based at Delhi and you are searching for ‘warehouses in Bangkok’, you might get a different result of your search than the person who is in Bangkok and is searching for the same thing. This is because Google customized the search results as per the physical location of the searcher.

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3) Different Search Results according to the Variation in Keywords:

With the new possum update, there are slight variations in search results for the same search using different key words. For example, if you are searching for “restaurants in Delhi”, “Delhi restaurants” or “restaurants in Delhi, India”, these are three different keywords search with the same meaning, the search results that Google provides are slightly different for all the key words so that it becomes convenient for the viewers to get variations in their search. The more you change the keywords, the more variations are provided.

4) Local and Organic Search:

Local search means “restaurants near me” and organic search means “restaurants in Delhi”, both are functioning separately after the possum update in Google. Earlier, if the listing of your business was connected to your homepage and through organic search your local listings showed a huge drop in the ranking. But now with the possum update, your business has the advantage of ranking twice in the 3-pack ‘www’ version and a non-‘www’ version, which clearly shows that now the organic and local filters are working independently.

Both the large and small businesses are benefited in a big way after the update of algorithm possum. If you are an owner of a big restaurant, you would definitely remain on the top of the search results and if you are a small restaurant owner than you would show higher in the search results that what you had earlier because of the filtering of many ranking listings.

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