WordPress 5.0 Things to Know Before Updating

WordPress is back with its newer version WordPress 5.0. All the users have to update their original WordPress. This version has many advanced functions. They are not only helpful but also hold potential to create quality content. One of the major updates in WordPress 5.0 is the Gutenberg editor. It has been introduced to change the layout of posts and pages. It is a drag-and-drop interface which insists user be very careful. Users can use it to be benefitted. They can disable it if they find themselves comfortable in the earlier version. Given below are facts and features you deserve to know about WordPress 5.0.

All the WordPress users know how much the platform has changed. The 4.9 version enabled users to make changes in WordPress Customizer. WordPress 4.8 offered various widgets to users. The users have had a good experience while working on this version. But the newer version is a game-changer. WordPress 5.0 is far better than its earlier versions.

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WordPress 5.0 Updating

Features of WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5.0 has a block-based editor. It is one of the best features of it. WordPress 5.0 has been differently designed. It enables the user to handle the platform in a unique way. It has many other mini updates which will help the bloggers in an exciting way. The team behind the word press is planning to remove the pressure of predetermined deadlines. The bloggers will get more time to develop quality content. Given below are the top most features of the latest version:

  1. This version has been designed to provide the user with a more intuitive site-building experience. This step has been taken to capture more market share.
  2. The newer version will help the content developers to create better content. The developers can easily send and pull data. This initiative will lead to the creation of rich products.
  3. Now, the developers can create their own applications. They can use this platform as a framework for the same. They can have more readers because of this feature.
  4. The users can create their own custom themes. Earlier users had a simple WordPress theme. Now they can create their own themes depending upon their content.

The newer version of WordPress is known to have fantastic page-builder tools. It is worth using.

Things to know before updating WordPress 5.0

According to Joel who is an SEO Expert have identified few steps. They are given below:

1. Don’t forget to back to your website

You need to backup your site. It is very important to make sure you have a recent backup. Experts say that many times the updated versions of WordPress break down. It creates many problems. If you have a proper back up you will be always relieved. You can restore your site as the earlier one. WordPress has a number of tools which will help you to back up your site. You can find them on the official page of the WordPress. Before updating to WordPress 5.0 you are required to fully back up your site. You need to simply click on ‘Backup Now’ button. Just one click and you can easily use the latest version of the WordPress. This will help you restore your previous site if any help arise. You can even use this back up to check the compatibility of your site.

2. For once try the Gutenberg Editor

The Gutenberg editor is one of the major changes in the latest version of the WordPress. Now you can test your site. What you need to do is to Setup a testing environment in the Gutenberg editor. You can easily check the performance of your site without actually disturbing your original. The benefit is that you can make necessary changes if so. Try it once and see whether it works for you or not. Then make a decision whether to use it or not.

While using WordPress 5.0 you can disable the Gutenberg editor if you don’t like it. You need to simply install and activate the Classic editor plugin. It will automatically disable the Gutenberg editor. You will be able to enable your site as it is. So, you won’t be in trouble if you don’t like this new feature. You can go back to your older site.

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3. Why don’t you try Site’s theme

Well, this can be a surprising element for you but you can test your site. This is possible with Gutenberg. You need to know whether your theme is compatible with Gutenberg or not. This becomes more important when it comes to page builder tool. If your page is dependent on the page builder tool, you should check it. This is suggested to reduce its conflict with Gutenberg’s functionality.

You need to simply import the backed-up copy of your site. Import it to your testing environment. This can be done as per your convenience. You can do it either manually or using UpdraftPlus. Once you import the backed-up copy install your newer theme. No need to mention that installation will happen on your testing site. All in all, you have to make sure that everything is under control.

4. Don’t forget to check the compatibility of Plugins

There is no difficulty in testing your site’s plugins with Gutenberg. It is because the procedure is as same as checking the theme. You have to check plugins in order to make sure that there is no problem. Go to your testing site. Install the plugins which you use. Check the front ends and back ends of each plugin. Keep doing this unless you are sure of its proper functioning. Be extra careful if use special composing or page building plugins.


WordPress 5.0 has come with many amazing features. The users need to take a few steps in order to implement it. Be cautious while updating the newer version. Try not to get trapped in security risks. You have to simply

  • Back up your site.
  • Use Gutenberg editor in a testing environment.
  • Test your site’s theme.
  • Make sure your plugins work.

You have to use Gutenberg editor to do all the above-mentioned steps. All is all they have been suggested by Experts.

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