If you have ever watched Dragons Den, then it won’t come as a great surprise that there are some pretty quirky entrepreneurs and inventors out there. The fine line between genius and insanity is sometimes a little blurred, but always entertaining.
Here’s a look at some footwear technology that walks that blurred line, no matter how wobbly.
LED Slippers
Everybody has stubbed their toe from time to time and knows how painful it can be. Well, from that pain came the inspiration for LED slippers.
This product combines cosy comfort with electronic gadgetry to ensure that never again will the wearer stub their toe whilst wondering around darkened rooms. The two built in LED lights at the front of the slippers act as a guiding light, shining through the darkness to pin point potential hazards.
Wheelie Sports Shoes
Lights, of course, are not the only technology to be added to footwear in order to make them more functional. Heelys take the traditional children’s sports shoe and add wheels, facilitating fun and frolics as the kids whizz around with the greatest of ease.
The wheels are designed into the heel of the shoes and make a shopping trip or a visit to the park all the more exciting.
Metal Detecting Sandals
Like it or not, sandals have come in for some bad press over the years. Deemed as seriously uncool by many, but essential by others, they are a polarising footwear item – not anymore.
Who could ever criticise metal detecting sandals, fitted with the technology that enables you to seek out riches as you stroll down the beach, mooch along a country lane or meander through a meadow.
Grass Flip-Flops
The ubiquitous flip-flop, while being extremely comfortable and the go to choice of footwear for many people during the summer months, have taken on a new dimension.
Grass flip-flops allow you to let the grass grow under your feet and simulate that unmistakable feeling you get when walking barefoot on a lawn.
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GPS Shoes
If you are prone to getting lost or making long journeys on foot, then GPS shoes may just be the thing you have been looking for.
These stylish shoes have been fitted with a global positioning system (GPS) that tells the wearer, in real time, precisely whereabouts on the planet they are and thus keeps them safe and on the right track at all times.
Footwear technology and design stretches much further than a simple wander down to the high street for a new pair of brogues or high heels. The examples above highlight how innovative companies are leading the way when it comes to shoes and the related technology that is afoot.