Want to set your Instagram bio in the center of the world most famous image sharing website. In the internet, people are searching the trick about how to set your Instagram bio in the center. So today we are going to share on Tech Tip Trick. Here are going to share brief information about to set your Instagram bio in the center.
According to Statista over 500 million active visitors on Instagram in june 2016. Instagram is easy to use for everyone. It is also informative for your everyone you can share quotes, pics, and video with your followers.
In comparing of Facebook, nowadays most people are using Instagram to share pictures because of its advanced image editing features. To get more engagement you can use Instagram repost app for Android which we shared already.
On Facebook there are lots of people whom you even don’t know and want to make contact with them. But on Instagram is your personal home where only those people can connect with whom you want to connect and only those people can like and comment on your post. You can download videos from Instagram and can use on another social platform.

How to Center Instgram Bio?
There is no secret that Instagram limiting in terms of customization. There are some interesting things you can do with your profile by making your Instagram bio in the center.
Let me Explain How to Center your Instagram Bio?
When your liking and commenting on other photos and videos, I am sure you also checking there bio also. Some bios are confusing us and some are interesting and clean. But have you noticed that bio if they are in the center or not.
Well, now how to put your Instagram bio in the center it does not require any special capabilities. To make your bio in center require simple trick that we are going to share here.
Follow this simple step to make to get your answer how to put your Instagram Bio in the center?
Guide To Center Your Instagram Bio
Open Setting
Open Instagram on your mobile device and click on your profile page.
Click on Edit Profile
Now click on Edit profile option and you see the below screen.
Click on Edit profile to change your bio
To set your Instagram bio in center you much copy the white space between two Asterisks >> << and enter it to your Instagram Bio. This white space make your Instagram bio in center.
Thats it.. You did.
Hope this Instagram Tricks you like and also share with your friends.