How To Increase Your Brand Awareness On Social Media?

In this digital era, it is next to impossible to sketch marketing approaches for your brand without Social Media platforms. Thus brand awareness of your organization on social media becomes an integral part of the digital marketing strategies. You can publish various contents like short videos, infographics, etc., on your business account to reach more potential customers. The use of a free online video editor to create your content can also help to reduce your online marketing budget.

How To Increase Your Brand Awareness On Social Media

Why Should You Target Social Media for Brand Awareness?

According to a recent report by Statista, there will be approximately 3.02 billion active social media users across the globe by the end of 2021. Can you imagine how much exposure your organization will get if you can successfully create brand awareness? But yes, to grab the attention of those thousands or millions of potential customers wandering around social media, you need to take a systematic measure that is packed with unique content.

Let’s dive right into some strategies through which you can attract more potential buyers to engage in your content.

1. Set Your Target Audience Parameter

Marketing on social media platforms is so vast that if you don’t opt for particular strategies, you will end up being nowhere. You should study the audience behavior according to your product or service type. As a business head, you should know your customers well. Track their activities, measure their area of interest, and create your content as per their likings. You will observe rapid organic growth if your target is set.

2. Publish Visual Content for Rapid Organic Growth

Average social media users only tend to share a post on their timeline only if it is visually appealing to them. Create and publish your content like eye-catchy infographics, short videos about trending topics on your business account. A survey by BuzzSumo states that engagement on Facebook posts with images is 2.3 times higher than those with text only.

3. Give Your Social Presence Some Unique Personality

Your social media handle must have a unique presence to stand apart from the crowd. And while doing the same, some of the brands often tend to take a robotic approach. It may impact the overall outcome negatively. So play it safe, post more customer-oriented and human-centric content, and the engagement will automatically overflow.

4. Unleash the Power of Hashtags

The algorithms of various social media platforms always make the content that includes hashtags more visible to the audience. Though it’s not rocket science still, if you are new on a social media platform, then using hashtags properly will make your account more engaging to new potential customers.

You can opt for two types of strategies here. Either you can follow the latest trending hashtags, or you can create your own. Putting hashtags of your own will take more time to develop your account, but it has more potential to make your business a brand.

5. Pick the Right Tool to Prepare Your Content

Let’s assume you know A to Z of how to create your brand awareness on a platform. Still, you won’t make it up to the mark if your content does not have the quality to attract people’s attention. So before anything else, you should focus on creating more customer-oriented, empathetic content. You can pick a suitable online video editor and start customizing your video to make it catchy. For image content, focus on the type of fonts you are using. Remember, anything too flashy will ruin the superiority of your content.

6. Creative Commenting

Be creative with anything. That’s it. If you do anything creative- even commenting and replying wittily on a post, social media users will grasp it. If you do simple research, you’ll find many reputed brands have generated a huge brand awareness just by regularly interacting with their potential buyers. Actually, if you directly interact with your followers, it develops a trustworthy relationship with your brand.

7. Be Consistent With Your Branding

Many organizations have failed to create an impact on social media because of their lack of consistency. If you are in the business of branding yourself, make sure to be regular with your content. Regularity doesn’t mean you have to post multiple contents a day. But make sure you are publishing at least three to four quality posts in a week.

8. Targeted Social Media Ad Campaigning

More or less, every social media offers a paid promotion on their platforms. If you are new to a channel and want to have some boost initially, it is always recommended to go for a paid ad campaign. You should be sure about your targeted audience before you start one. Lastly, use your best content for paid campaigning. The more superior content, the more referral traffic your account will gain.

9. Always Use the Latest Features of a Social Media Platform

Whatever efforts you are putting to create your brand impression, put it in a smart way. Always share your content through the latest medium of a particular platform. Let’s take the example of Instagram. If you are publishing something on your account feed, make sure to share it on the Insta story as well. Instagram stories always remain on the top of the feed, and people are more likely to open and engage with it.

Research about every medium you are using for your brand promotion and make sure to utilize their latest features.

10. Track Your Post Performance

The job is not only to create content and post them. You need to keep an eye on the performance of your published post as well. It will help you to understand the flaws, and you can rectify them in your next one.


A lot of free resources are available online to enhance your brand awareness strategy. From free online video editor to poster maker, you can do everything for free (or at a very low cost). With consistency, patience, and the tips you have just gone through, you can certainly create a strong brand impression for your organization.