Essential SEO Trends To Boost Your Website’s Traffic

There’s so much to take onboard when talking about SEO trends to boost website traffic and earn more revenue. According to studies, 70% of the links users click on are natural search results, but for that, businesses and digital marketers must be very watchful in employing SEO trends.

The best way is to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes and then analyze the intent and queries the customers may have. Focusing and employing the right trends helps you to maintain a robust online presence and aids in generating better sales by emphasizing your lead’s demands.

However, to dominate your SEO strategy, here are the top eight trends that can help you optimize your website and bring more organic results to it with guaranteed accelerated sales and conversions.

seo trends

SEO Trends to Boost Traffic

1. Focus On BERT Update

Google’s Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer’s algorithm uses natural processing language and machine learning to better understand the user’s search intent and queries. The proficiency of BERT update is now capable of understanding more than 70 languages and works for almost all English queries.

google bert update

The ability of Google Search engine bots has become much better and are enough conversational to interpret the intent of the searcher. According to SEO professionals, there’s no denying that Google now understands things like a human. No matter how long your content is, if it doesn’t meet the user’s intent, BERP will prefer another content over yours that has relevant material and satisfies the user intent.

So, to get better page ranking and drive more traffic to your site, focus on BERP update and design the content friendly to it and your users. Also use proper redirects which will save you from critical situations of lost traffic and conversion.

To be more precise,

  • Create content that provides relevant information to your target audience.
  • Focus on the quality of your content more than the stuffing of the keywords.
  • Also, don’t forget to back your content with relevant questions that can back your site and bring more traffic to it.

2. Enhanced Website Speed

website page speed

The speed and stability of your websites hold importance more than you can think. You might have heard the phrase “the first impression is the last impression.” Well, that law applies here as well.

Instead of hampering your customer’s mood with slow and crawling web pages, go optimizing your website speed.

An enhanced speed matter a lot in bringing traffic to your website. Google, a decade ago, realized how important site speed is for users and marked it as a ranking factor. Since then. Site speed has become a crucial factor. It can break or make your site’s performance. You have to be very vigilant with it as it not only drives organic prospects to your site but leads to great conversions.

According to a survey, 75% of consumers said a page’s speed plays a vital role for them to decide whether they are willing to buy from a website or not. Also, it is noticed that probability of bounce increase up to 32% as site load time goes from one second to three seconds.

If you are planning to boost your page speed and looking for ways. You can:

Shrink excessive code on your page.

  • Lower server response time.
  • Enable compression.
  • Defer JavaScript loading.
  • Select the right hosting options.

3. Keyword Research

More than 51% of the searches today are zero-click searches. This is where the importance of keyword research becomes known. The keywords distributed in your content are important for the Google algorithm to recognize your site and gives it a hint of your overall content that helps in generating organic traffic to your site.

Though these keywords help you bring traffic and convert leads into customers but make sure to go for the ones that have low competition and high conversion. Extract the keywords that are relevant for services and spread them in your blog posts, so Google recognizes you and ranks you on its search engine result page. This will make it easy for your audience to find you online.

keyword research

However, you can use different keyword extracting tools like Moz.

It helps you brainstorm keywords and filter them by topic. You can also study metrics and other channels of effectiveness. Some tools also allow you to spy on the keywords used by your competitors.

4. Optimized voice Research

optimize voice search

Voice searches can be the favorite friend in bringing organic traffic to your website. According to Google, 27% of the e-users around the world leverages the use of voice searches on their cellphone, and many assignment writers UK believe this practice had seen a surge after the covid pandemic when everyone was locked home and weren’t allowed to meet the outsiders and talk to them.

However, there is a significant difference in how voice searches and text searches work, but the game for voice search technology is expected to see a 55% hit by 2022. When while text search, you are direct and compressed to your query, you’re more conversational in voice searches. It takes long-tail keywords and answers to why, when, where, etc., questions.

For instance, while text search, you’ll type “best pizza in Ontario, Canada”, but while opting for voice search, you’d probably say, “Where can I find the best pizza in Ontario, Canada.”

So, if you are a service provider, it’s recommended for you to include correct contact details and location with correct structured data so you can rank on “near me” searches and your potential audience can easily find you.

5. Relevant And Easy To Read Content

Content’s relevancy and readability play a critical part in SEO strategy. The Google algorithm only ranks your site if it has the relevant content and carries enough appropriate information.

relevant content

To generate content that is relevant to your user and brings sufficient traffic, make sure to:

  • Add keywords in the prime spots like Meta titles, Meta descriptions, etc.
  • Include in a great mixture of long-tail and short-tail keywords that are not complicated and are easy to read and understand.
  • And last but not the least, identify your target audience and generate the content according to their need.

These tips will help your prospects find you easily as they will contribute to making your content natural without any complex notions and will aid in greater conversions.

However, make sure your content serves the right information to the right prospects and doesn’t include any gibberish or knotty data and statistics.

6. Longer Content

Studies have found that longer contents mount up quality backlinks from other websites that can aid in better rankings and increased traffic.

long content generate more backlinks

However, that does not mean going 2,000 plus words every time. Instead, analyze your searcher’s intent and see if you have enough room to add in excessive content that can answer your audience’s queries and serve them better.

Make sure to not add in or hoard irrelevant information because most of the time, it ends up becoming exhaustive and time-consuming. If you think your blog post needs guidelines and detailed information and the audience can’t get their answers reading a few paragraphs, then it’s the right time to invest in longer content.

You can also edit your old content, add in some new shreds of information, and refresh it according to your reader’s needs.

7. Focus On Mobile Experience

87% of Americans today own a smartphone, and 81% of them have made a purchase using their smartphones in the last six months, which means your site should have a clear focus on the mobile index. Though you should also not ignore the desktop experience, mobile has to come first.

mobile experience

Today Google’s mobile-first index means that Search engines rank pages depending on their versions designed for smartphones. This factor makes optimizing your site for mobile necessary to rank high and drive more traffic and leads.

Two of the best practices to accelerate your SEO game includes,

  1. Designing responsive website pages for better UI/UX on smartphones.
  2. Optimizing your pages to strengthen your mobile page speed score by controlling browser caching, reduced redirect, and applying minified codes.

8. Leverage AI

AI is the master of SEO strategy and brings massive traffic to your website when employed correctly because of the personalization it offers.

Google utilizes Artificial intelligence to provide the audience with the results they are looking for. It is beneficial in decoding the algorithms and creates favorable strategies.

The AI specialized software is capable enough to quickly sort your content into tags, texts, videos, labels, images, etc., and lets you optimize your content through keywords, metadata, etc.

The customer data generated from AI tools provide insight into customer behavior which you can use to analyze your user’s pattern and find ways to retarget them, so you are not just only focusing on new leads but also holding on to the old ones.

Author bio

Amanda Jerelyn is a Content Executive at Crowd Writer, one of the best platforms to buy dissertation online. She also has an interest in marketing subject and often writes articles on different marketing strategies.