How to Become the Go-To Dentist in Your Area?

Whether you are opening a dental practice in a new location or have an established practice, dental marketing is important for attracting new patients. When new residents move into your area, you want to attract them to your office. In order to do this, dental marketing is the key. Successful marketing will present your dental clinic as an efficient, effective and careful dental clinic. You can get comprehensive help by contacting an industry-specific dental marketing agency. Thinking about a dental business plan for your dental practice? Click here!

Here are eight dental marketing tips to put your practice at the forefront of the dentists in your area.


1- Reach the Local Audience

Local Awareness ads on social media are a good way to reach local audiences. There are maps you can use to share locally relevant details such your address, hours of operation, direction links. You can even have your call to action (CTA) have a call button to prompt people to make an appointment.

Niche-relevant citations will also drive locals to your practice. You will be ranked by local keywords in search engines that drive clients to your website. Yellow Pages, Angie’s List and Yelp are the most popular citations. Medical-specific citations are Zoc Doc and Health Grades. The more citations you create, the higher your rank in Google, which will help attract more clients.

2- Make it Easy to Make an Appointment

The aim for any dental clinic is to have clients call and make an appointment. This can be made even easier with click-to-call ads, which are available on AdWords and Facebook for smartphones, tablets and desktops. You can create a call-only campaign or add the extension to your existing ads.

Since Google says most health-related searches are done on a smartphone, another good dental marketing tip is to create ads that are exclusively for smartphones with a call-only campaign through AdWords.

3- Local Maps

Google Maps Ads are ideal for local optimization. When a potential client enters dentist in the search bar, the results show a map with the local dentists identified. Your link can have a CTA that includes directions and the ability to make an appointment.

Waze is another local-based application. Clients that are near your clinic will see a digital billboard on the map that they can use to get to your clinic or save for later.

4- Be Available

Emergency dental work is a big factor for many people. It may be because they dread the dentist so much that they postpone needed work until it becomes severe. If your clinic is optimized for keywords such as emergency or urgent, and if you are ready to serve this demographic, you will be reached by people who really need your services. Once they know you, they will most probably return.

Many people need dental service at odd hours. If you can be available after school hours, in the evenings and on weekends, you may reach a larger clientele who simply postpone dental work because there is never a convenient time to do it.

5- Email Marketing

Email marketing is a good investment. For every dollar you spend, the average ROI is 44 dollars. If that is not enough, its a great way to communicate with patients and the most preferred method for healthcare professionals. Patients can make appointments through email, and your receptionist can send several timing options. Bills, reminders for appointments and reminders for checkups can be made by email. For this reason, many medical professionals prefer email to phone calls, direct mail and in-person visits.

6- Make Sure You Stand Out From the Rest

There are many dentists in your area, so why should people go to you? You can offer discounts, specials and referral bonuses through your social media marketing and email marketing. It is important to research other dentists in your area to make sure you are undercutting them. If they offer teeth cleaning for 50 dollars, it wont help you to send emails offering the same service for 80 dollars.

7- Be Seen Locally

There may be school events, local fairs, music concerts and charity events in your locality. You can get your dental practice in front of huge crowds if you sponsor a team, give T-shirts at a music concert, give free toothbrushes at a booth in a fair, you have a good chance of attracting more clients. You may include a small card that gives several tips on children’s dental health. Many parents may not be aware of the importance of dental care for baby teeth.

8- Keep Your Website Up to Date

There is nothing that puts off a potential client than a website that hasn’t been updated for months and sometimes years. You may think your content is current, but you should have a blog that is regularly changed, new before and after photos and the latest technology to make your website user-friendly.

With these marketing tips, you can market your dental practice and have new and previous patients flocking to your door.