5 Security Tech You Can Actually Use

Technology has advanced immensely but so have security threats. While you have the tools to protect yourself better, criminals have also become more tech-savvy to counter these protective measures. Every 32 seconds, a hacker will attack someone online, which could easily be you. Hackers bypass digital locks through phishing, malware attacks, and social engineering. Even your smart home security can get unlocked by the press of a button.

You wouldn’t want to be in a position where your documents, social security numbers, and credit card information get misused. At the same time, you wouldn’t want someone breaking into your house. Therefore, your best line of defense is gearing up with state-of-the-art technology, and luckily you can find them here. Build up excellent technological security through these measures:

Security Tech

#1. Use Tools On Security Incident Management

Security incident management is the process in which you identify, manage and record all types of security threats to your system. You should use Cynet 360 and Google’s GRR Rapid Response tools to generate an incident report. Cynet is an IR platform. Once you activate the software over your network, it will provide you with a list of threats and remedies and help you tackle any vulnerabilities head-on.

On the other hand, the GRR Rapid Response will help you conduct a live search about the security status of your database and take immediate action to prevent the cyber threat from escalating. It will help you put necessary barriers between yourself and a criminal.

This may be a good opportunity for the technologically inclined to consider exploring a career change. As COVID-19 has conclusively shown, computer-related jobs will always be in demand. So, if you feel at home working with security tech, perhaps you should look into upskilling and jumping into the field. It may be difficult at first, but once you acquire a Master’s in Cybersecurity, you will have no trouble demonstrating your competence to employers. If you’re good at doing something, there’s no point in doing it for free.

#2. Use TrueCrypt To Encrypt Files

TrueCrypt is a software program that will help you encrypt all your files. Each of your files will get a separate encryption passcode to ensure uniqueness and maximum security. While you may think you don’t have sensitive data, that is not true. You have more than you think.

Your confidential documents such as tax return files, family photos, loan applications, and social security numbers are prime targets for motivated hackers. Therefore, before you share any crucial document over public networks, encryption will prevent them from being hacked and studied. Once you get used to the software, you can safely share every document without worrying about them getting stolen.

#3. Get Bitwarden To Manage Your Passwords

You can have a hard time remembering your passwords, especially when you need a unique one for every account. Thinking of a new password is tricky, and most users rely on familiar information like birth dates. That is why more than half of the American population uses their birthday as a password and exposes themselves to cybersecurity risks. Hackers have no trouble in guessing such cliched choices and gaining unauthorized access.

Therefore, Bitwarden is your one-step solution in generating solid and unpredictable passwords. Since it is a password manager, it will provide you with a unique password for all your accounts. This encryption software is compatible with most operating systems, so you don’t have to worry about upgrading your devices. It will also scramble data making it harder for hackers to duplicate your passcode. Throw a curveball at cybercriminals and enjoy managing your online space securely.

Recommended: How to Remember a Password for Your Phone or Computer

#4. Purchase The Ecobee Smart Indoor Camera

Your house needs as much protection as your online accounts. Smart homes use modern locks but are prone to get hacked and unlocked. So, while you install a lock, also get a camera to monitor your home.

The Ecobee is a smart device that will help you keep an eye indoors whether you need to check up on family or pets. This camera also has a wide-angle, which will offer you a hundred and eighty degrees of the visual field. You will quickly get a glimpse of the whole room.

In addition, the device comes with a smoke alarm and motion detector, which works in the light and the dark. It will ensure that no one can sneak around your house without you knowing. When you plan on leaving your house or going away for the holidays, activate the camera and effortlessly get notifications on your phone in case of an emergency. Continue monitoring your home even when you are away to have total peace of mind.

#5. Convert Your Phone Into A Key With August

The August smart lock is a Wi-Fi-controlled lock that will connect your key to your smart devices such as the Apple Watch and cellphone. The purpose of this virtual key is to enhance auto-locking and prevent your keys from ever being misplaced or stolen. No longer worrying and maintaining a physical key can be a source of relief.

The August smart lock also works with Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa, which will let you operate your house lock through voice control. If you don’t feel like using the key, switch to your voice.

Managing your house has gotten much more straightforward. Smart locks now come with a data logging system, identifying anyone who comes to your home and recording their information for you. Unfamiliar faces cannot enter and go as they please. You can also grant temporary access to friends if you are not around to open the door.

Final Thoughts

Technology can be an asset as well as the bane of your existence. You may have better security options, but that also means better hacking opportunities. That is why you need appropriate security measures to ensure that your valuable data remains safe. You shouldn’t try risking security when you can implement proper strategies.

As you browse online, learn about incident management reports, get into the habit of encrypting files, and purchase a password manager. These will allow you to use the net without worrying about a data leak.

When it comes to your house, buy the Ecobee smart camera and the August Smart Lock. Your phone will help you manage and look after your home with a handful of taps. Invest in your security details today and live peacefully in these challenging times.