Are you looking for the best cool math games for Android devices? In this article, I am sharing some of the interesting apps which you can use.
Cool Math Games best mind workout games and these are the best fun with math games. Do you love math or want to play a math game with your kids? Don’t worry we are not talking about high-level algebra or trigonometry.
A survey said that one in three kids have low numerical than class two. So just brush up your mathematical skill with these games. For these games you do not need to be an expert mathematician.
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Let’s discuss here some of the best cool math games for kids in this article:
Best Cool Math Games for Android
#1. Puzzle Game
It is one of the wonderful math games. With this game, your kids can learn the concept of multiplication. It will help your kid to learn puzzles and tables with these games using the brain.
When kids are about to complete a picture with the correct piece to the right place, an accurate answer obtain. Kids can read the tables and identify photos of fruits, vegetables, animals, etc.
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#2. Math effect
The math effect is educational and cool maths games online. This game is somewhat simple, but it is very challenging. With one error your game is over.
Choose one of three models and determine the equation is true or not. Balance level up and enjoy the bonus.
You can set the time, too. It observed that this game is fantastic for those who are good at crunching numbers and love challenges.
[appbox googleplay com.kidga.mathrush]
#3. Penguin Jumps
It is an educational math game for kids, who are weak in multiplication. It will increase their skill to learn tables quickly.
Your child will find the multiplication puzzle behind the penguin, and that penguin has to jump on the block having the correct answer.
In this way, the kids can pick up the math tables more efficiently to achieve difficult multiplications further.
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#4. Shapes Inlay
With this game, the kids can learn the difference between different shapes in maths. Kids have to put different mathematical shapes looking at the bottom of the window.
It can increase the capability of identifying shapes and placing them in the perfect place. The kids will learn the basic maths by playing games with putting each shape.
#5. Simply Sudoku
It is a useful and cool math game for android which can play on your phones. It is unique in its way, it is attractive, sometimes it becomes an addictive game to play, and it will surely sharpen your kid’s math skills.
Sudoku is an old game, but it is suitable for kid’s arithmetic abilities. There are many useful apps are available for these classic games so choose wisely. It is one of the free math games.
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#6. 2vars
2vars is another precious app that you can use to gain some basic operation of arithmetic math.
As per its name, it is all about filling in two variables which are absent from an equation.
With this equation, the multiple-choice of two variables is given, and you cannot choose the arbitrary number otherwise your kid will fail in providing a correct answer.
The plus point about the game is that this equation required just mental sums, but level by level they increase challenges, and in this way, your mind keeps trained and learn maths.
It is an inspiring and encouraging game, which recommended for everyone.
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#7. Countdown maths game
This game is based on the UK’s favorite TV show. It is an epic game that has been popular for the last 35 years.
This game involves smaller numbers, which used once for a different operation like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
They are to come up with multiple figures to chosen randomly but which can indeed be derived using the smaller ones.
It sounds very tough similar to rocket science, but it is easy if you play with a mind. Once you know the trick, then your kid becomes the king/queen of this game.
#8. Don’t Cross the Line
This game help to understand the general idea of drawing lines for kids in kindergarten and toddlers.
In this game, within a specific time, kids have to unchain the digit, which given on the screen.
To unchain the number they have to remove lines properly. If it can be done by crossing the lines, then it is considered as falsification.
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#9. Blast Off
After counting the first concept to learn for kids is the basic addition and yes this game precisely provides you to learn this idea. So, don’t worry if your kid is imperfect also.
Let try this game and make him/her learn to add different digits in their way. After playing this game, your kid would surely get knowledge of additions.
#10. Tell The Time
It is an excellent and unique game for the kids who are weak in identifying the time. It can be used to practice telling the time.
Your kid has to recognize the accurate time given in the clock and then choose the correct option given below.
It is good to let our kid play this game to learn the time and instead of teaching it as a difficult part of a study.
It is all about the best cool math games for kids. If you are parents and want to sharpen your kid’s mathematical skills, then try your hand at these games. If you have any idea of another game, then comment in the comment box. And if you want to list another game, leave your message we will surely provide that, too. Enjoy the best fun with math games!!