What to look for in a backup battery system?

Electric power losses can be a nuisance as the supply is usually out of our control. Even temporary loss can result in equipment shut down and stall your daily business operations.

According to the US federal data, American businesses lose about $150 billion due to power outages and blackouts. This is a significant amount! However, individuals and businesses can overcome this uncertainty by setting up a backup power supply.

Not only do backup battery systems provide a stable supply of electricity but also help in limiting the dependence on external power sources. However, before investing in backup systems, you have to make sure that they’re the right fit for your power needs.

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Here, we will identify the most relevant features that should factor in your decisions of setting up a backup power supply.

What to look for in a backup battery system

Battery run-time

Run-time is defined as the duration in which a fully charged battery can supply uninterrupted electricity at a certain level of power. Battery run-time should be as high as possible to cater to your demands and requirements. The higher the amp-hours, the longer the run-time.


Your desired backup power supply must be able to meet the demands of your voltage requirements. If your system runs on a 120V system, a 240V battery supply will not be ideally suited for your use. Hence, compatibility with the system is essential for the backup power to be considered valid. However, it is important to know that the voltage varies with the State of Charge (SoC). So, if the SoC is low, the voltage supply will follow.


Getting yourself a power supply system that utilizes the latest technological features is a great plus. The optimum topology is the true on-line double conversion. This design insures that your systems are always operating of the battery supply and not the utility power. The majority of the battery manufacturers have shifted to the newer and efficient Lithium-ion batteries, however, some batteries are still manufactured using sub-standard technologies. Choosing an up-to-date system compatible with the latest standards is vital when evaluating your options.


This might seem a bit obvious, but the warranty should always be considered when buying a backup battery system. Batteries, being electrical devices, are prone to damages and misfires. Hence, it is noteworthy to contrast the warranties of your potential battery systems.


While you may experience power outages infrequently, it’s still advisable to have a backup battery system in place to ensure a smooth and constant supply of power. Talk to the experts at Energy Control Systems, one of the leading energy solution providers in the country, to learn more about backup battery systems, surge protection and UPS equipment.