Starter store websites give you an opportunity to see how well you might do if you had your own online business. The initial work of setting up the site, deciding the merchandise, networking with suppliers and establishing contacts is done. All that is needed now is someone to take charge of the site and keep it operational. ExchangeMarketplace has starter stores for sale at extremely reasonable prices. Let’s look at these three starter stores that are on sale on ExchangeMarketplace by Shopify.
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Cat Meow Shopy
The love and craze for pets is higher now than ever before. Everyone loves dogs, cats or hamsters and is keen to get one. What’s more, they don’t just feed and take care of these furry creatures, they also want to pamper them, dress them and get them playthings. Cat Meow Shopy rightfully thinks that is a great opportunity to make money out of. This online store sells clothes, toys, beds and homecare products for cats. The products are adorable, festive, fun and everything a cat and a cat lover would want.
The diverse products on this site give it the potential to become a top player in the niche industry of merchandise for pets. Cat Meow Shopy is a drop shipping site which means that the sourcing of their products is taken care. The future of this site would include marketing and advertising in order to reach out to the large untapped customer base of pet lovers. The seller believes that putting out ads and promoting products on Facebook and Instagram would be the best way to do this. The product sold on this store are high-quality, unique ones that bring in a high-profit margin. Building brand awareness could be the next step in pushing up the sales.
The sale of the site would give the buyer full access to the logos, branding assets, product photos, list of suppliers’ contacts, social media following and personal support from the seller for running the business in the initial stages. This store could look into testing new products and diversifying their existing collection to attract a broader range of potential customers. Any pet lover who’s going through starter stores for sale looking for a promising venture must consider Cat Meo Shopy to convert their passion into a profitable business. This store is up for grabs at $75 on ExchangeMarketplace.
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Lolnipop is an online store up for $250 on ExchangeMarketplace by Shopify. This store sells a variety of trendy clothing and accessories for men and women. Its target consumer group is young men and women who are looking for stylish outfits and comfort clothing. It is a drop shipping store which means there is no need for any physical inventory. It can be run as a home business. This business needs a strong dose of marketing and campaigning for its sales to take off. The major tasks involved in running this business are managing the AliExpress account, posting marketing campaigns via email and running advertisements on Google.
The seller recommends that the buyer could maintain a limited inventory for the sake of accurate photos of the products for the website. Social media marketing is an unexplored opportunity that must be tapped into to expand the sales of Lolnipop.
The sale of this site gives the buyer the logo, branding assets, web domain name, mailing list of subscribers and social media following. Newbies who have a flair for fashion and are looking forward to entering the e-commerce side of clothing and apparel industry could consider getting some hands-on experience with Lolnipop.
Holla Swim
Holla Swim is an online store that sells modern, trendy swimwear for diverse women of all ages and all body types. It is one of the many starter stores for sale in the clothing and apparel industry that has taken a niche space for itself by dealing with the sales of swimwear. With the increasing popularity of swimming as a fitness option and beach holidays, sales of swimwear are set to peak in the near future. This site is a drop shipping store, which makes the functioning of its site almost fully automated.
The sale of this site gives the buyer access to the logo, branding assets, product photos and personal support after the sale in assisting the buyer to run the business. The seller recommends that the buyer could improve the store’s potential by adding fresh and new inventory regularly to the site, investing heavily in social media marketing and email campaigns and working on the search engine optimization for building brand awareness. Advertising and marketing is not something that has been sufficiently carried out for Holla Swim. Budding entrepreneurs who want to experiment with running their own online businesses must consider buying Holla Swim. This promising starter site is up for sale at $50 on ExchangeMarketplace.
Holla Swim, Lolnipop and Cat Meo Shopy are starter stores for sale that hold great potential for anyone who’s looking to make money in e-commerce, particularly in the clothing, apparel and pet merchandise industries. With advertising and marketing in the right direction and quantum, these three sites have the potential to be scaled up and generate steady revenue.
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