How To Get Leads For Your New Landscaping Business?

Being in the landscaping industry can be a lucrative endeavor, that is, if you know how to play your cards right. You might think that once you’ve settled in and got your business up and running, you’re good to go. On the contrary, you’re just getting started, and there’s still a lot to learn and master. Getting leads, in particular, is one of those challenges you need to take on consistently and efficiently.

How To Get Leads For Your New Landscaping Business

Tips for getting landscaping leads

Leads are people or individuals who display interest in a company’s products or services, regardless of form, shape, or way. More often than not, leads don’t come voluntarily. Instead, you receive a lead after initiating contact or communication. It could be from a free trial, a newsletter, an email list, or an online survey.

You may also choose to buy leads from services that offer them. If you’re a beginner, though, you may find it tricky to know which lead generation service is best for you. Make sure you look into the different options available, weigh in their pros and cons, and check reviews from previous users.

From this perspective, lead generation is a powerful strategy that helps a new business owner like you build interest, visibility, and trust from people who can be your future customers. Knowing the right and efficient way to get leads is tantamount to getting traffic from high-quality prospects that could turn to high-value customers.

With that said, here are some lead generation tips you might want to try for your new landscaping business:

Target more client referrals

No matter how many marketing or advertising tactics you try, word-of-mouth is always the best. If you are able to delight your customers, they’ll speak to others positively about you, resulting in more direct referrals. The key is to be consistent in providing a high level of service to your customers. One way to achieve this is to make sure your operations are streamlined efficiently to reduce the occurrence of errors or disappointments your customers might experience.

An example might be if your appointment scheduling system failed and you didn’t show up to a pre-arranged job. Do this too many times and your customers will end up taking their business elsewhere. Even if your landscaping business is relatively new, investing in business apps and job management software like the one developed by Jobber will be worth the investment.

Regardless of how small your team is, it’s essential that you get the job done in a professional and efficient manner. This way, your customers will be happy to talk positively about their experience with you and recommend others, and with more referrals come a greater number of high-quality leads that are much easier to convert.

Build a website that converts

Nowadays, having a business website is a necessity if you want to stay afloat. Your webpage is an excellent avenue to advertise your business and the services you offer. You can also use it for other important things like showcasing examples of your work and publishing reviews and testimonials from customers.

All this helps to build a picture in people’s minds of the type of credible company you are, while boosting your online presence. You can also use the site to create engaging content with a call-to-action, so leads can click on it anytime they want or need to. Lastly, a website makes your new business seem bigger and more professional, thus attracting curiosity and interest from prospects.

Partner with local businesses

Another way to get leads is to partner with local businesses in your area. Since you offer a highly specialized service, you want to reach out to companies that complement yours in some way. It could be a tree removal company, outdoor lighting services, pool maintenance, or other related business that you partner with. You can explore discount promotion via them to their customers or something similar.

In order to make this work, identify a networking strategy. You can join trade associations and local landscaper groups in your community. Hand out your business cards and flyers with complete information so people will know how to contact you and for what. As you build connections, you get to grow your business circle, and these connections can be your ticket to a consistent lead pipeline.

Final words

All businesses, new or old, big or small, can benefit from effective lead generation strategies. Your new landscaping business has every reason to succeed and grow. Do this by targeting client referrals, building a website that converts, and partnering with local businesses.