Endpoint security is a must for all enterprises irrespective of their size. But most small and medium-sized business’ (SMB) don’t seem to be using it and instead are deciding to confront security threats on their own. And those few that do use them, end up choosing the wrong one for several reasons, reveals a recent survey conducted by VIPRE. Budget consideration tops this list which seems to be forcing SMBs to compromise on endpoint security the most. Other influencing factors seem to be ease of use, feature set, helpdesk support, advanced detection technology, cloud-based management, and ransomware protection.
The Vipre survey also suggests the following could be influencing their decision while choosing endpoint security:

1. Overconfidence.
The Survey indicates that surprisingly, a section of SMBs seem to be supremely confident that their company won’t be subjected to security threats. And this line of thought seems to be preventing them from buying an endpoint security with advanced features, as these are usually priced high. Others seem to be thinking they are too small in size and therefore they don’t need endpoint security with advanced features. In either case, they are putting themselves at great risk.
2. Some Are Willing to Pay For The Loss
With ransomware being rampant, some SMBs are resorting to a very wrong workaround: they are willing to negotiate with the ransomware attackers than going for an overpriced but comprehensive endpoint security solution. Despite this negative mindset, they seem to be personally guaranteeing security to their customers. Of course, the situation doesn’t seem to be as bad as how it was a couple of years ago, but these SMBs are still taking their chances with ransomware attackers.
3. Then, There’s Trump Administration Causing Uncertainties
At a time when the whole world is considering the repercussions of Trump becoming president, the IT security world is not left behind. The survey suggests that the opinion is diverse about whether or not the IT world would become more secure.
- 40 percent respondents believe cyber security will weaken while the other 40 believe the opposite. The remaining respondents believe there won’t be much change.
- More than 60 percent of SMBs believe free endpoint security solutions are enough. But others seem to show more confidence in those available for a price.
- Finally, 67 percent have said endpoint security products are highly complex; this includes many who suffered a breach recently.
The Vipre survey concludes by suggesting that IT managers are failing to consider all of the important 3: cost, functionality, and complexity (all of which are comprehensively covered by Comodo Endpoint Security) when it comes to choosing the right endpoint security solution. So the takeaway from this survey for SMBs seems to be ‘choose wisely, stay secure’; and the sooner SMBs realize this, the better for them.
Endpoint Security
Endpoint Security is one of the best endpoint security solutions out there. It suits small, medium as well as large businesses and also home users. It protects millions of users from ransomware, zero-day attacks, phishing and other such malware attacks. Easy to use and cost-effective, Like Comodo Endpoint Security will protect your network and the devices in it efficiently. To Some Benefits of Comodo Endpoint Security
- Containment with auto-sandboxing – All unrecognized processes and applications are auto-sandboxed to run in a restricted environment.
- Web URL Filtering – Advanced interface to create rules as required – user-specific, sweeping, or as granular as desired.
- Comodo Firewall – Offers high-level security against inbound and outbound threats, stealths computer’s ports, manages network connections, and blocks confidential data transmission by malicious software.
- File Lookup Services (FLS) – Cloud-based instant analysis of unknown files that checks file reputation against Comodo’s master whitelist and blacklists.
- Viruscope (Behavior Analysis) – Behavior of all processes are monitored for potential harmful action.
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