Everything to Consider When Choosing a Custom Flag Designer

Flags can be a great way to enrich your branding and add a little company spirit to your business. But before you wow visitors and employees alike with your awesome new design, you’ll have to find the right designer.

And though that might seem like something a quick Google search can fix, there’s more to consider than you might think upon first glance.

Keep reading as we explore the essential considerations to check ultimateflags.com make when looking for a custom flag designer.

Custom Flag Designer

In-House vs. Outsourcing

Start by asking yourself what part of the process, if any, is something you can do in-house. You may find that you have plenty of great artists on your team, you just need someone to print your flag design ideas.

Likewise, you can always make a flag using an online template program or even something like Photoshop or MS Paint.

On the other hand, if your team is busy with other projects or you’re not looking to add new employees, outsourcing can be your best bet. You’ll actually save money this way, as you won’t have to spend money onboarding or pay for benefits. Just get the design services you need and that’s it!

Past Design Work

As you start reaching out to design houses, be sure to specifically ask about their flag design experience, as the dimensions and materials involved are different from something like a banner or sign.

Ideally, you’ll want to partner with a firm that has plenty of past experience. The more experience they have, the easier the process should be.

Fees and Edits

Marketing with flags can be a great way to drum up excitement for your business. But before you can bring in customers, you’ll need to have an advertising budget in the first place.

This is where most small businesses run into trouble. Don’t spend more than you can afford. 8% of your total revenue is the typical ad spend, but this will vary depending on your goals and abilities.

As you begin discussing pricing and comparing design fees, account for the costs of edits, too. Each design firm will have its own guidelines regarding edits, but virtually all will offer at least a few free changes.

Customer Experience

If you’re paying for a company’s service, you deserve the best possible treatment. Unfortunately, not every company is willing to put its best foot forward.

Before agreeing to work with a designer, check out what their past clients have to say about their work.
Did the firm deliver results in a timely manner? Were questions handled appropriately?

These might not seem like the biggest details in the world, but you’re entering into a partnership. You deserve to know that they’re invested in your success, too.

Find the Right Custom Flag Designer Today

A custom flag designer doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Keep these tips in mind and you should have no problem finding the right agency.

For more tips on effectively advertising your business, make sure to check out the rest of our blog!