Internet browsing once seemed so simple. Just open up your browser and pick whatever engine came up and enter what you were looking for.
Those times have passed. The large search engines that dominate the market today are storing, selling and using private data. This practice is driving consumers to seek safer alternatives.
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Alternative search engines to consider privacy protection:
Best Safe Search Engines on the Web
This search engine has built its reputation on storing no personal data or search history. It does not even store IP addresses. DuckDuckGo has built its reputation as a “privacy-first” search engine. This search engine uses its own web crawler and up to 400 other sources. These sources including large engines like Bing and Yahoo to provide the latest results of web content. The user-friendly interface is simple and concise and you can count on the results you receive being just as up-to-date as the larger engines.
HotBot takes pride in being both a search engine and a private blog. The privacy blog offers a wealth of information on how to keep your information safe on the web. Examples include articles over the value of using security questions on your accounts for blue tooth security while browsing. HotBot has a safe search feature that users can set to off, moderate, or strict.
A search engine designed to safely search through adult content on the web. All’s search results are oriented towards that niche, making a search for that kind of content fast and effective. The privacy policy lets you opt-out of sharing data although it will restrict your ability to interact on personal sites.
Why Safety Matters
There is a massive risk associated with storing large volumes of data. That data is always susceptible to being breached, stolen, sold, or used for other nefarious purposes.
Internet safety starts with choosing a search engine that does not store your information. All of the larger search engines store your search history and build a profile of you. This profile is then sold to third parties who want your information to improve their advertising. Does that thought make you feel safe and secure?
The bottom line is that in using smaller, privately owned engines that do not store your personal information. You mitigate the risk of that information ever being used to harm you. Privately owned search engines that do not store your data do not have access to highly personal information. Information like your medical history or political beliefs is not stored or marketed.
The larger search engines that flaunt the way they store data, usually in the name of “an enhanced user experience.” Direct marketing is a huge driver behind storing browsing history. If you search for a score from the Astro’s game, you will soon see advertisements for fan paraphernalia on most pages that you visit.
The dark side of this is that the large search engines want you to simply trust that they are keeping your data safe. Read the privacy policy of any search engine you decide to use, and make the choice for yourself about whether you want a profile of your personal data marked for sale to the highest bidders, or if you would prefer that there be no profile at all?