Are EOS CCA Agents Calling You Up? Here’s How to Deal With Them

Dealing with financial trouble is never easy, especially if it involves debt collectors hounding you with calls or through the mail, asking for payment of your financial obligations. There isn’t any crash course to take when it comes to practical financial management, and you only get to learn it the hard way, such as when dealing with debt collection agencies.

That said, here’s what you need to do;

EOS CCA Agents

Know Your Debt Collection Agencies

A debt collection agency works as a middle man for a company you owe money from. They could be either an in-house department for the company itself or a third-party collector. What a debt collection agency does is collect unpaid money. Collection agents may contact debtors by calling the latter or send emails, texts, or letters.

Who is EOS CCA?

EOS CCA is a legitimate and highly accredited debt collection agency located in the US, particularly in Norwell, Massachusetts. Its services primarily center on collection for banks, credit card issuing institutions, healthcare providers, telecommunication companies, student loan agencies, colleges and universities, and many more.

Once collectors start looking for you and making contact, these debt collection agencies like EOS CCA may hurt your credit score, and your tainted record might even last up to seven years. It is known that a credit score is significant, especially when trying to get additional financial loans or purchasing items or property that require substantial expenditure.

Now, if you receive a call from an EOS CCA agent, you might ask, “What do I need to do? “I owe a huge amount of money, and I’m afraid it would affect my credit score.” “Do I contact EOS CCA myself?” Here are some strategies in how to deal with EOS CCA agents (or other debt collectors in general):

1. You need to know your rights as a debtor when dealing with collection agencies

Often, when we get a call from a collection agency, you might initially feel like you’ve wronged the company you owe from, as you have reneged on your obligation to pay on time as to your loan contract stipulations. However, you must know your rights, both as a consumer and a debtor.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ensures the protection of these rights, prohibiting collection practices elicited through deceptive, abusive, and unfair means.

Aside from this, the FDCPA also proscribes collectors from harassing consumers and debtors by using obscene language, giving threats, calling at unreasonable hours, misconstruing consumers’ legal rights, disclosing information about a consumer to third parties, and obtaining consumer information through fraudulent means.

2. Deal with them calmly and carefully.

Sometimes the frequent and persistent calls may, at some point, piss you off, but it is best to keep grounded and be more cautious in handling this situation. Most debt collectors would often employ intimidation and threatening acts to compel you, as a debtor, to pay up on the spot.

When dealing with collectors who call you on the phone, it is best not to strike back. It might be challenging to keep a calm demeanor when confronted with this situation, but take in whatever they tell you, and it is best to jot everything down so you won’t miss a point they will present and might use against you.

3. Put everything in writing.

In line with jotting everything down when it comes to interactions with debt collectors through the phone, it is vital to keep everything in writing and compile all paperwork and documents involved in transactions with these collection agencies.

It is also crucial to write down the details of the debt collector, such as his name, call back contact details, and who he or she works for expressly. This information will significantly serve you if you have to bring an action to court against the debt collector or the collection agency.

4. Know if the collecting agency is legitimate or not

Since all kinds of schemes can be employed by anyone anywhere, it is imperative to verify the collection agency that is sending you notice or the debt itself enforced upon you to settle.

Under the FDCPA, a collection agency is prohibited from collecting more than what you owe the financial entity it acts on behalf of. Disputes during collection often arise because the collector doesn’t verify the debt or give a legitimate cause for contacting you. This can make the person you’re dealing with liable for fraud which is punishable under the FDCPA.

5. Set your boundaries when collectors contact you

Collection agencies, being institutions themselves, should follow procedures laid down in common practice that should be in accordance with regulations as provided in the laws and local statutes. These procedures should also be transmitted to their agents, and part of this should be respecting consumers’ boundaries.

As the one being contacted and hounded by these agents, setting boundaries is important as the law, particularly FDCPA as discussed earlier, ensures that you as a consumer would be protected from harassment and disruptive means to get you to respond regarding your loan obligations.

You do not need to give other information as what has been provided to the loan institution which you entered into a transaction with, and this also extends to the collecting agency acting on behalf of such institution.


Knowing your rights as a consumer and a debtor might help your credit score from unscrupulous debt collection agencies and their agents. Remember that even if you have a debt to deal with, you are still protected by mechanisms under the law to ensure fair collection procedures and opportunities for you to make up for your financial obligations.