Using Videos Instead of Face to Face Learning to Boost Grades

Are you a student? Do you love watching the video tutorial on specific topics? If yes, then this article is for you. In this article, we will look at how videos are positively affecting the grades of students worldwide. We shall also look at the possible outcome of replacing teachers with pre-recorded videos. Watching video tutorials to get your homework when students want to buy research paper online is cheaper and you can consult as well. So if you find this topic interesting, follow along and let us venture into this mystery.

Through research, we have found out that when students use videos to learn, they understand the content better. They are also able to remember the information that they learned for longer. The reflection of this change is seen in exams where the students using videos tend to perform better than those relying on teachers.

As institutions have switched to online learning, this would be an excellent chance for students to try out this new technique. In addition, it will help you understand a lot of concepts that you did not understand in class.

Using Videos Instead of Face to Face Learning

Why using video is effective

The one logical explanation for these phenomena would be that students get to study at their own pace. They can pause the video and reverse it to capture the parts they might have missed. They can also pause the video if they feel tired and live it for another day, ensuring that they are not overloaded by content. Doing so makes sure the students understand every detail contained in the video.

The benefits of videos are more profoundly seen when used together with in-person learning and online learning. Videos tend to stand out in these situations, with students saying how much the videos have helped them as well as the assignment writing services in UK.

With the pandemic and the issue of online learning not seeming to go away anytime soon. Videos are becoming popular amongst students on campus. They blend them with online or in-person learning, and the results are excellent. The tradition of using videos to learn will not vanish anytime soon as it is still applicable in face-to-face education and online learning.

With the pandemic and the issue of online learning not seeming to go away anytime soon. Videos are becoming popular amongst students on campus. They blend them with online or in-person learning, and the results are excellent. The tradition of using videos to learn will not vanish anytime soon as it is still applicable in face-to-face education and online learning.

Video impact

We held research whereby students used videos to learn while others relied solely on what they learned. As a result, the students who used videos improved from a B to a B+. Moreover, when the students adapted and took it seriously, most of them scored straight A’s. It is hence evident that the videos impact the students’ performance significantly.

However, videos are more effective when it comes to teaching skills than teaching knowledge. But that does not mean that they are ineffective in teaching knowledge. On the contrary, they are still more efficient in teaching knowledge when compared to face-to-face or online learning. We can hence agree that using videos to study is a fantastic idea with many positive impacts.


Long gone are the days when we relied on traditional education. The digital world is taking education to a whole new level, and videos are a good example.