Types of Ad Networks

If you feel more or less ok with advertising networks and the way they function, it is high time to come to the next important notion – types of ad networks. It becomes important when you carefully study the networks and try to decide where to apply.

Certainly, there are different views and opinions about classifications. You may get some other variant, but the look we offer will arm you with a thought-provoking information.

At the very beginning, it was a very advantageous time for publishers, as main ideas was to publish the ads. Nobody really cared about content type or where it will be displayed. Luckily, it didn’t last for long as advertisers were struggling for being showed to the relevant audience.

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Types of Ad Networks

Blind networks – in these system advertisers are not given opportunity to choose the place where his ads will be displayed. Their main function is to deliver as many clicks as possible, while options of targeting are almost unavailable to advertisers.

This term is often misunderstood as horizontal networks. They have a lot in common, but there are differences.
Features of horizontal networks:

  1. Great variety of publishers;
  2. Easy to enter;
  3. High economic effectivity;
  4. Weak, or sometimes absent, options for targeting for advertisers.

Such networks function on CPC pricing model only, that means publishers get money in case the ad was clicked. Advertisers like such environments as the prices for click are close to nothing.

Blind and horizontal networks are different when it comes to control of displaying the ads. The latter ones make it possible for advertisers to limit displays in making no sense categories.

Vertical networks have appeared as the next step of evolution, as advertisers required more control in their campaigns when it comes to targeting options. Vertical systems are generally narrow focus specialized and accept publishers that get in the same niche networks can be related. For example:

  • Travelling;
  • Sport;
  • Beauty;
  • Cars etc.

Further, these categories will be divided into subcategories. So, if you are a publisher with a website about cats, you should search for a niche with house issues. Websites with delicious cakes are likely to fall into gastronomic niche.

Such networks are beneficial for advertisers as they can get more target audience there.

Premium ad networks

It is something as if you have dropped into upperclass society. They have high admission standards for publishers as they work with world-famous websites and publishers with tons of traffic. Forbes certainly belongs to such network, while a small company is, unfortunately, will be rejected in participation. It may become possible later when a website or a blog earns a huge amount of traffic and good reputation. But it certainly deserves trying as the prices there are too different from common ones.

Type of networks according to traffic amount and client types

To say it simply, there are networks of first and second tiers.

The first ones are such giants like Google AdSense or Bing. They are on the market for a long time and more likely to be horizontal ones. Such networks can be characterized with oceans of publishers and advertisers.

Logically, second tier networks are smaller in sizes with lower capacities. They often cooperate with the formers to survive and get some income due to such syndication.

Division of networks according to the type of inventory

Here we talk about the channels the ads are delivered. They can be mobile networks that deliver ads in the applications or simply via mobile traffic; there are also video ad networks that deal with video ad content.


Ad networks tend to become more and more specialized now to please both players on the field and find the most suitable solution for them at once. We have a wide range of options for pricing models and other opportunities.

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