The Robust Backend of Contentmart, the Unique Platform for Content

Contentmart Review

Often we come across websites that don’t perform as advertised. Either the website does not load fast enough or the navigation is so difficult that the surfer gets put off.

Contentmart is one website that is great for freelance content writers and for those entities wanting to hire content writers. Contentmart is a highly innovative and thoughtful content marketplace whose website leaves nothing to chance.

Contentmart review

4 Pillars of Web Platform

Contentmart is perhaps only one of the few content writing companies that has planned and designed its web platform based on four main pillars. Firstly, it focuses on the client who wants to hire freelance content writers for writing excellent content. Secondly, it lays stress on the quality of its writers. Thirdly, it creates a robust web platform that permits the interaction between client and writer in an almost seamless manner. Fourthly, it adopts policies that are fair and just to both the writer and the client.

The Client

The client, being one of the main focus areas, is enticed with absolutely no charges for hiring a writer on the platform. Contentmart charges the writer a commission. Thus, what the client pays the writer is all the cost incurred by the client. If not satisfied, the client has the option to reject work and the writer does not get paid. The client has the authority to seek amendments before accepting the work of the writer.

Contentmart review

The Writer

The writer is the other main focus area. The writer is motivated by Contentmart to qualify for higher levels of writing so as to be able to provide better writing services to the client. The writers are constantly fed with thought provoking articles to help the writer acquire more knowledge and skills to improve the quality of writing. The focus on writers allows clients to easily hire professional writers for their content.

The Web Platform

The web platform that connects the client and the freelance content writer is the third main focus area. The website is a superbly designed platform that is easy to navigate. The graphics are easy on the eye and they are highly informative. The information is presented logically and it is easy to search for any type of information.

For instance, the profile page is so well organized that the client can get all the information about the writer in one glance. The client can access all the necessary information easily. Similarly the order page is very well laid out for the freelance content writer to easily extract all the necessary information before making a bid.

In fact, the order page also provides information on other bidders as well. The website provides an opportunity for the client to get in touch with the bidder to seek clarifications through the message board. The message board is versatile as it can perform as a live chat tool. The order submission page is interactive and it has inbuilt monitoring system. It can check for plagiarism and it will not permit submission if the word count is below the required limit. It permits files to be attached and drafts to be saved.

Contentmart platform

It will not also allow submission if the deadline for submission has been missed. The deadline can only be extended by the client. The order submission page permits a client to request for amendments to the submission. For the writer, the web platform will automatically make payment to the writer if the client does not respond within five days of submission.

Fair Policies

Contentmart has adopted good and just policies that are fair to both writer and client. Funds for the bid amount are collected from the client and kept in escrow till the order is executed. If the order is accepted the funds are paid to the writer. If the order is rejected funds are returned to the client. If there are disputes they are dealt with fairly giving both sides an opportunity to explain their points of view. Payment methods include INR and US$ payments through bank accounts and PayPal respectively.

Contentmart’s robust platform facilitates quality content writing services to be offered to discerning clients. It has totally got an upper hand when compared to conventional content writing agencies.