How important is it for students to obtain digital knowledge

Let us just put it this way: It is more important than ever for students to focus on improving their digital skills. You should no longer be in doubt about the fact that digital solutions are a huge and important part of the future of businesses. Across industries, digitalisation and automation have revolutionised processes and strategies. Businesses that do not jump on the train of digitalisation miss out on a potential gold mine of new business opportunities. This also means that digital knowhow has indeed become a catalyst for increasing profits among companies. Therefore, it is now more important than ever for employees to mix existing skills with those within IT. In that way, employees can easier take part of the digital revolution and help companies to utilize the endless opportunities that digitalisation has to offer.

This also goes for students, among whom digital knowledge will be increasingly attractive for businesses. Even though your studies might be focused on a field far from IT, the chances are high that you will end up in a company that is highly affected by the digital revolution. Therefore, many companies look for future employees that possess a common and already existing understanding of how a digital set-up works and employees that can easily adapt to the internal digital processes.

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How important is it for students to obtain digital knowledge

IT is the future

The one key thing, you need to think about is that digitalisation will be a permanent part of the future. You’ve heard it before and might still do; the robots are coming and will take over your work! But remember: Most digitalised processes and robots are still dependent on humans to keep track of and maintain them. We know that the technological development is only going one way, and right now we are only in the start of the revolution. Therefore, students should use any possible opportunity to prepare for the future of work, which indisputable will involve a huge amount of digitalised initiatives.

You can be your own boss

As the demand for IT intelligent employees has increased, more companies look towards IT freelancers that can assist with expert knowledge within a very specified IT field. This means that more and more people choose to pursuit a career as an independent consultant. As an independent IT freelancer, you will be your own boss and decide yourself which projects to engage in. You will have the opportunity to go completely in depth with your experience from the field of expertise that you find yourself in. So, do you fancy being your own boss?

The demand is huge

Another reason why companies are on the look for digital intelligent employees is that the demand is high and only increasing in the future. More and more consumers expect companies to offer simple and easily accessible services – and this often involves digitalised services. This puts an intensive pressure on many companies that need to keep up with fast and constant development of IT. And here you as an IT skilled student can help a lot of companies achieve their desired goals.

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You already know more than you think

Today’s children are born with an iPhone in their hand, which means that if you are part of the upcoming generation of employees, you are very likely to have a more thorough understanding of IT than the older generation. This also means that you probably will have a much easier time integrating your skill set with the IT systems of a company. With a basic understanding of IT, you will therefore not have to spend much time on adapting and understanding digital setups, compared to the older generation, which generally has a much harder time understanding even basic IT. Therefore, you will also have a clear advantage if you build on your existing digital knowledge, and thereby will be more ‘integrable’ for companies.

In other words, unless you wish to work hardcore with IT, this isn’t about you becoming an IT specialist that knows everything about a very specified field. Instead, it’s about you being curious and eager to understand basic digital systems and setups, and how they can interact and function coherently. Therefore, experts agree that you have to keep up with technology as it creates business value across industries. In that way, you will be better suited for the future of work, and better suited to land your next job position.

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