Some Amazing Technology Advancements

In the development of the world, technological advancements have been acting as the main transit behind it. Technology has overtime become a prime element in the lives of the common man.

From ordering items online people also sell textbooks on certain websites, in order to gain some extra money all credits to technological advancements.

Now, in order to explore some amazing technological advancements that have been developed up to today, we have listed then below for you.

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#1 Sensors that can be planted in the body

Now the technology is reaching new heights with the help of intelligence and ability.

These sensors are very small or you can say minute, as termed by the scientists they are dust sized sensors. These sensors can be implanted in the human body. These minute sensors require no power and can be directly implanted on nerve or muscle fibre.

It is said to treat several neurological diseases like eclipse and monitor human body accurately. It is the biggest medical advancement in the history which is increasing life expectancy.

#2 Landing rockets in ocean

Another big technological advancement we have received in the recent time is in the field of space. Now rockets have been developed that can land on ocean. Space X Musk’s commercial company have succeeded in landing Falcon 9 in the ocean.

Let me tell you that landing in a ocean successfully is much more difficult task than landing in a plain surface. And upcoming with this achievement is just crazy.

The main objective of developing these rockets is that they are reusable. Usually, when rockets are launched we don’t get back any part of it, either they are lost or they get damaged ultimately not reaching to us.

#3 The 1 TB SD Card

A micro size SD Card has been developed which gives ample of storage space. All your memories will be safe with you, as this memory card have such big storage that you can’t even imagine. It is a bit expensive if compared to the range of the previously developed memory cards but it is efficient.

As time is passing by we expect more innovations in this field with some special features and cost efficiency.

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#4 Amazon packages delivered by drone

Amazon announced earlier about special drone deliveries offering which special facilities with it. And finally, the good news is that the Amazon has successfully released the first drone delivery. And you won’t believe this that this unique drone was able to complete its first delivery in just 13 minutes

#5 Cost Efficient Solar Panels

Solar Energy is the best source of producing electricity. Even after being the best source, it is available worldwide easily but this form of energy was not used by large number of people. The main reason behind it was the process of installing the solar panels was very expensive that couldn’t be afforded by everybody. Solar City’s Gigafactory placed in New York has brought a unique achievement to this by producing 10,000 solar panels each day to make it cost efficient.