3 Ways That Technology Can Help You Sleep

We all know that getting a good night’s sleep is vital to allow us to function properly each day. The effects of sleep deprivation, even for just a single night, can be almost debilitating in the short term. In the long term we now know that sleep deprivation has a cumulative effect. This means that the effects of failing to get enough sleep will accumulate and build up with each successive night.

Most of us have had it drilled into our heads, by parents, teachers, and others, that technology is antithetical to getting a good night’s sleep. However, technology is about solving problems. When technology does present us with new challenges and dilemmas, we are usually able to solve them by either applying new technology, or refining what we have.

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, there is now technology available to help you in every conceivable way. The following examples are just a small selection of the many innovative ideas out there.

Technology Can Help You Sleep

CPAP Machines

Many people suffer from sleep apnea, or another medical condition which affects their respiration. This can, in turn, interrupt sleep. A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) consists of a small machine and a face mask. The pressure setting can either be set manually, or on some models it will set itself automatically by monitoring the patient’s breathing. Have a look at this article for more information on how a CPAP machine can help to improve quality of sleep. CPAP machines can help many people, but before you buy check out Digitizd to be sure that you buy the right machine, from the right manufacturer.


Some of the capabilities of modern smartphones are truly mind blowing, as are the ingenious ways that developers find of incorporating those features into apps. App based solutions to all kinds of problems are becoming more commonplace.

When it comes to improving your sleeping habits, the apps available range from Swiss-army alarm clock apps, to detailed sleep cycle trackers. Some of these alarm clocks require the user to solve a puzzle or complete a task in order to switch off the alarm. This is designed to wake the user up mentally as well as physically.

Different apps use different methods to track your sleep cycle, they can be set to wake up during the lightest stages so you have an easier time waking up.

Blue-Light Filters

This is the simplest of all the innovations on this list, and yet it is worthy of inclusion because in its simplicity lurks genius. The reason that our smartphones, laptops, and other electronic screens, can interfere with our ability to get a proper night’s sleep is that they emit light with the same frequency as daylight. This causes our brains to interpret it as daylight, and tells our bodies to wake up.

A blue-light filter shifts the color temperature of the screen so it is more orange, emitting colors that instead trigger our bodies to begin winding down for sleep.

Technology has historically been seen as the enemy of sleep and productivity. But increasingly, technology is providing us with more useful tools that can actually improve our sleeping habits.

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